What happen to Lois?

Started by Dee Gee, May 29, 2007, 07:43:47 AM

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Dee Gee

I am very saddened by Lois' decision to leave the forum; she was very prolific at finding and posting interesting articles about Elk County history and people.  I will miss her contributions to the forum. I do hope she will reconsider her decision.
Learn from the mistakes of others You can't live long enough to make them all yourself


We all owe a huge debt of gratitude to Lois for the work she put into this forum. 

I appreciate everyone who takes the time to post here, you have enriched my life and I feel so much more connected to my Elk County Roots. 

To Teresa and Kjell, Thank you so much for your generous hosting of this site.

I am looking forward to posting more from the Gladys Denton and Dorothy Pagan collections.

Check out my family history Website http://home.austin.rr.com/clarkdentongen/

Kjell H.

We all appreciate what Lois has done for the forum and cannot thank her enough.

I am not informed about the reasons she decided to leave the forum. What I do know is that all voluntary work is based on resources called time and dedication. Also, there is always a time when an individual decides to move on to other fields of interests. No matter the reason, I respect and understand her decision. I have been there and done that many times in my life being dedicated to voluntary work.

All we have to do is to say thanks for her work and dedication and keep this forum active for the benefit of the community and those who has an interest in Howard and Elk County.

Marshal Halloway


Very well said Kjell.
I appreciate so much what Lois has done in this forum
She brought life back to what I really thought was going to be a dead horse.
I never realized that so many people were interested and dedicated to genealogy and history.
WOW.. she really opened up my eyes. I don't know that reason she decided to hang up her moderators boots, but I hope that it doesn't keep her from being here as a member.
Since she has deleted her account, I hope she re-registers and comes back in to visit with us. I promise that I won't make her do any work.. :)
Well Behaved Women Rarely Make History !

Marcia Moore

I am so sorry to hear of Lois's decision to resign as moderator.  She did such a wonderful job and I appreciated her, and her work, very much.  It will take someone mighty tall to fill her shoes.  She was perfect for the job, too - an Elk County native, very dedicated, loves genealogy and loves Elk County.  I learned a lot from her postings and will certainly miss them.  She sure spent a lot of time helping others, and I thank her for it.

Ms Bear

I will certainly miss the postings by Lois, she has helped me so much with my Elk County genealogy.  I have learned a lot about Elk County by reading all the posts and hope everyone will continue with posting pictures and describing where and what different things are.

Janet Harrington

I appreciate what Lois has done for this forum, also.  I'm sorry she has quit and I do not know the reason.  I may be the reason.  However; this is her decision and we will honor such.

Now, is anyone volunteering to be the moderator?  Will Teresa take it over?  I'm moderator for the obits and about the only thing I do is make sure things are spelled correctly, maybe put a capital where one needs to be.  Most errors are typos.  Anyone, anyone?


I believe that Lois ..in her wonderful way ..set a standard for the Genealogy board. It seems to be able to stand on its own, since she did her magic.
Everyone is invited to add and start new topics.. just as we always have.
We call it a free running board.

Lois did a fantastic job giving birth to it and raising it up to be able to ""stand on it's own"" .
Treat it like you would any other board.
I will keep an eye on it... unless someone really does want to take it over and be the surrogate mother....as Lois was. If you do, PM me or send me an e-mail at teresalaptop@cascity.com 

Thanks to everyone once again for keeping this " Elk County Town" of ours alive. :)
Well Behaved Women Rarely Make History !


I am very appreciative   of Lois.  She  has put so many things on for me.  Thank you Lois!

Jo McDonald

I just logged on - and was so surprised and saddened that Lois - will all of her wisdom - will not be on the forum any more as moderator - but sincerely hope that we will be seeing some of her post now and again.  I am not very active but enjoy so very much all of the posts done by others.
  Job well done and very much appreciated, Lois - Be kind to yourself and enjoy each and every day.

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