People like the forum

Started by Teresa, November 20, 2006, 08:06:36 PM

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I have had many people e-mail me and tell me that they are so much enjoying the forum.
It is because all of you are joining in and talking and sharing informationa dn just silly stuff..
We have LOTS of people who read the forum every day, but never post.
( Don't ask me why..but they just don't)
They love to read the information and also the bantering and teasing that goes on in here.

Had one lady say that she never posts, but she just loves to turn on her computer in the morning and get her "fix" while she has her coffee.

  She ask me if Janet and I ever got mad at each other for real.
I laughed and told her "not yet'.. but we had a few more years to you never know. LOL
I can't ever see it happening.. we are too honest, and neither one of us cares if the other likes it or not.. and just like my mama always has said.
"If you get mad in those britches, you will get glad in the same ones or you will just stay mad. The choice is yours."

We have not been best friends for very many years, but the years we have been are the best.

Well Behaved Women Rarely Make History !


And those red hats really do a lot for them, don't you think?


Well Behaved Women Rarely Make History !


There are several of us who get our "fixes" here. The forum is VERY addictive!  :D :D :D

You guys do a good job keeping it fun and friendly. Thanks!


It beats going to the Senior Center.


Bit of trivia:

I was looking at the red shoes.  They made me think of Dorothy's ruby slippers in the movie the Wizard of Oz, and THAT made me think of:

Did you know that in the Oz books, Dorothy's slippers were silver shoes?  I can't remember why they changed it for the movie, I think I vaguely remember something about the ruby ones showed up better on the film process at the time, but, I'm probably mistaken.

(Well, it's nearly 1AM......what do you EXPECT me to write about????)

The cat is trying her darnedest to make me go to bed and perfom my duty as her heating pad....hubby has been snoring for at least an hour already.

WHY am I up so late....this is what happens when one reaches middle-age without drinkin' or smokin'.......and too much on the mind to sleep.......and don't take no danged sleepin' pills......and don't even have a late night snack.............

I'm gonna be One Cranky Old Sober Lady in about 30 years!!!!! 


Regarding Dorothy's ruby slippers: you're right that the slippers in the Frank L. Baum story were actually silver. My history professor explained that the story actually was a not-so-subtle jab at government politics at the time, especially regarding ranchers of the West U.S. and industrial moguls in the East U.S. (wicked witches of east and west!) At the time, the Populists (and Kansas was a hotbed of them!) were pushing for a silver standard as well as a gold standard, hence silver slippers on a Yellow Brick (gold) Road on the road to Oz (oz.=ounce). Of the story's characters, Dorothy represents Kansas, the Lion represents the reformers, the Scarecrow represents farmers and the Tin Man represents the labor movement. Even Toto can be interpreted to represent teetotalers! Remember how the Wizard goes home to Omaha? It is said he represents Nebraskan William J. Bryant, who was considered somewhat of a charlatan candidate for the presidency. At the end of the story, the Scarecrow (farmers) is restored to leadership.

I'm sure there are even more correlations, but that's all I had written in my lecture notes! LOL Whether or not this explanation is factual, it sure makes some sense. Then, of course, there's also the story that Pink Floyd was watching "The Wizard of Oz" while writing "Dark Side of the Moon." If you've ever watched the movie synchronized with the album, it's not hard to make that connection either!

Janet Harrington

Hmmmmmmmmmm.  Now, that was interesting and it is a good thing that indygal took notes in class.  I would never have thought anything about that movie except it was fun to watch and still is.  The songs are good and we all know..."We're off to see the wizard.  The wonderful wizard of all."

I never read the book.  Didn't have to.  Got to watch the movie instead.

Ms Bear

The red hats look better than mine do.

Really do like the forum, need some friendly bantering after a day at work and Lois has already found one of my greatgrandmothers.  The obituary she posted on Nov. 23 for Death Of Former Howard Woman, Rosa Draper-Glasscock was my greatgrandmother.  It had information I didn't know.

Have a great weekend

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