Started by Dee Gee, May 29, 2007, 09:15:48 PM

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Dee Gee

Article from Howard Citizen 1932

George Myers Shoots Arthur Lyons and Then Kills Himself Last Friday--Entire County Shocked by News.   Friday, February 26th (1932), just before noon, a tragedy occurred on the former Dr. Hatfield farm, 2 1/2 miles northwest if Grenola, that shocked the entire county.  George W. Myers shot Arthur W. Lyons in the head with a 22 calibre rifle, and then grabbed a .410 shotgun and ran to the barn, climbing the stairs to the hay loft, where he placed the weapon at his head and pulled the trigger.  His death was probably instantaneous.
   Lyons owned the farm where the tragedy occurred but lived on an adjoining farm.  Myers was working for Lyons, but their contract having terminated Lyons went to the Myers home to settle up.  The shooting of Lyons occurred while Lyons was sitting at a table in the Myers home evidently figuring, with his check book on the table when Myers grabbed his gun and shot Lyons in the head, the ball entering neat the temple, Myers then took his shotgun, telling his wife he was going to the barn and kill himself.  Mrs. Myers tried to dissuade him, but could not do so.  She followed him out of the house, and in a moment heard the report of the gunshot that killed her husband.  She ran to the home of John McAnult, her nearest neighbor and told what had happened.  Neighbors soon gathered and found Lyons still alive.  He was taken at once in the Marshall ambulance to a hospital at Winfield, where he passed away that evening about 5 o'clock.
   Myers was found in the haymow of the big barn.  He evidently hadn't moved after he had pulled the trigger.
   County Coroner Dr. R. C. Harner and Sheriff Rader were called to the scene of the tragedy, and after investigation, decided that there was no reason for a coroner's inquest.
   Mr. Lyons had lived practically all of his life in the vicinity of Grenola, where he was held in the highest respect.  He leaves his wife and seven children the oldest 17 years and the youngest a babe.  He owned two or three good farms in the vicinity and the neighbors state that he was a man "easy to get along with."  He was about 42 years of age.  Funeral services were held at the Methodist church, Grenola, at 3:00 Sunday afternoon February 28th.  Burial in the Grenola cemetery.
   Mr. Myers was 43 years of age, was born and raised in Elk county, and until the past two years lived in the vicinity of Howard.  His family consisted of the wife and three children aged 15, 13 and 8 years.  He was classed as a "hard worker,' rather quick tempered, yet this is the first time he ever caused any serious trouble.  The Myers funeral services were held at the Methodist church in Howard, Sunday afternoon at 2:300, conducted by Mrs. Belle Reid Yates of Grenola, and burial in Grace Lawn cemetery, Howard. -- The Citizen.

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