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Howard Courant
August 12, 1920

Cards were received by many Howard follks, the past week, announcing the marriage of Miss Ivason Rae Scott to Samuel Coleman Hanna, on Wednesday, August 4, 1920, at Tacoma, Washington.  The announcement was made in the name of Mr. and Mrs. Edward Birdseye Judson, cousins of the bride.  The news was received by their friends here with much surprise, and it has been the sensation of the past week.

Mr. Hanna is one of the best known and most popular citizens of Elk county, and is one of our most successful business men and farmers.  He has lived in Howard for many years and is highly respected.  The bride is a young woman of education and refinement, has been quite a traveler and has been for many years a teacher in high schools and colleges of the eastern states.  She has been an occasional visitor in Howard for many years, and the past year or more has made her home here. She is popular wilth all who know her, and the heartiest congratulations and best wishes are extended by all Howard and Elk county to Mr. and Mrs. Hanna.

They will be at home in Howard, after October first.
Howard Courant
August 19, 1920

Tacoma, Wash., News-Tribune:  A pretty wedding took place at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Edward B. Judson, Wednesday at high noon when their cousin, Miss Ivison R. Scott, of Toledo, Ohio, was married to Samuel Coleman Hanna, of Howard, Kansas.  The beautiful Episcopal service was impressively read by Bishop Lemuel H. Wells of St. Mark's church, and the bride was given away by Mr. Judson.   Following the ceremony a wedding lucheon was served for the wedding party, which included only members of the immediate family.  The rooms were charmingly decorated in masses of Shasta daisies and sweet peas, mingled with delicate greenery. The breakfast table was also exquisitely appointed.

The bride, who is a highly cultured and accompished woman, is well known in Tacoma, having been a member of the faculty of the Annie Wright Seminary during the principalship of Mrs. White, a number of years ago.

Mr. and Mrs. Hanna will spend the rest of the summer touring the Pacific Northwest and Alaska, and will be at home at Howard, Kans., after October 1.

The relatives present at the wedding were Mr. and Mrs. E. B. Judson, Mrs. M. G. Macoughtry, E. Dougald Judson, Miss Ruth Scott of Toledo, Ohio, and Mr. and Mrs. W. B. Chandler.

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