Soap Box Day Today

Started by Wilma, May 18, 2007, 08:25:38 AM

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Diane, I don't think you've intruded. I enjoy your posts and have put a lot of your advice to use. I'm thankful you're on the forum!! Some people just have the guts to go face to face, they're cowards. I've learned this in the 22 years I've been on this earth.

Wilma - If you'd like to borrow a camera to snap pictures of your flowers or birds while waiting on your new battery, I have an extra. It's very simple point and shoot camera.


You kick them, Diane.  I think you are right.  You have been the voice of reason among a rabble of accusations.  I am curious, also, about what people think of the new supreme justice candidate and I am just waiting for someone to dig up something relevant, not something she said 8 years ago.  How about I start a thread about her and you can listen in?  Going now to the politics section.

CDBL, thanks for the offer, but Daughter has a brand new camera I can use when I get over griping about mine.

Diane Amberg

 Uh oh, not to be picky, but I've never really considered myself a coward....not the bravest on the planet, but not a coward. Never mind, I said I wouldn't kid around anymore.


I love your sense of humor and I don't have to have it pointed out to me by smiley faces.

Ms Bear

Diane, I am not from Howard and have never lived there but still enjoy the Forum, especially your posts.  Sometimes humorous, sometimes serious but always welcome.  I have also enjoyed and watched for your advice on some issues that have been brought up.  Hope you will continue posting with your thoughts.



I've just been shocked and amazed lately at how people have got so personal on their attacks and posts.  Instead of just stating facts and having a discussion, people immediately jump down each other's throats and call names or make personal statements.  I don't think that says a lot about the people posting, I don't care how intelligent their argument is.  If you can't argue a point without being personal... you're no better than a politican.  (wow, how's that for a slam!   ;))

Unfortunately, this forum ISN'T just for people of Elk County.  Sometimes it makes me so embarrassed to think that outsiders and "guests" see how we act and argue.  It's not portraying a friendly community, that's for sure.  If this were just called "the forum" or "Teresa's forum" it'd be different; but when it actually says our County and community name on it, I really think that the negative posts and personal attacks speak very low about where we live.  Even if the posts don't come from Elk County people, or if they do, it's like walking around doing and saying horrible things while wearing a college t-shirt; people immediately relate your bad actions with that of the school (and you may not have even gone to school there!).


Tobina+1, pregnancy has definitely done something for you.  You are so right about everything you say.  Can't find a thing to pick on you about.  Keep up the good work.


What the last seven posts said. Thanks for making my life easy and making it so I didn't have to type. 

Diane, Teresa, and anyone else that gets frustrated, pissed off , hurt, offended, etc. I will give you back the words given to me here on t;he forum. Take a break, just remember to come back. True friends are those that you can have a fight with, but still want to go back to, and can go back to. That is our forum.



Ok, Maxine and I have something to say about this. Here you are setting on this forum doing nothing but b##ching and griping about everything. Do you have nothing better to do. Do you not think the world is stressful enough with out you all complaining? I gather you are all retired? I know I am, but I have better things to do then set on here 24 hours a day. Have you looked to see who is on here all the time, it is the same people.
We have people on this forum that have been there,done everything,can do the one up on anybody. I guess when you have been in the business world that gives you the right to correct everyone let us know how great you are and there is nothing we can do that you have not done. Well I guess that is our Soap Box, and all I have to say is if the shoe fits wear it. Max and I have a great live and yes there are thing we do not like. But like our old pappy use to say. If it is something you can change do it, If you can do change it do not lose any sleep over it. And it saying that it is close to our bed time, so Good night to all.  ::)

Rudy Taylor

Bless your heart, Diane.

You can't imagine how many times I have been inspired by your intelligence and courage in the face of stones being hurled in your direction. You have spent your lifetime engaged in teaching young people to think and develop their own opinions based upon obtaining good information. You have volunteered your time to help others in your community --- and in Elk County. You've never once asked the party affiliation of those you have helped or the ideology of the the young people you have so lovingly nurtured.

Hang in here with us.  Your roots grow deep in Elk County and I truly believe you are appreciated by a majority of our forum members.

Besides, we need to see your Irish blood bubble to the top on occasion. And, by gosh, you let 'er rip a good one this time.

You go, girl. Burn that bra!
It truly is "a wonderful life."

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