Soap Box Day Today

Started by Wilma, May 18, 2007, 08:25:38 AM

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well, now, first the way teenagers look and dress today.  BACK WHEN  :-[ I was a teenager the girls and boys had DA haircuts, some boys had flattops and some even mohawks.  We did cover our bodies, but we listened to music that adults thought was horrible.  Remember when Ed Sullivan wouldn't let them show Elvis below his waist? Yes, today with the rainbow colored hair, the skin tight shirts the girls wear, with the neckline cut lower that the hem of our skirts were, the piercings and tattoos, those awful awful baggy pants that the boys wear, and their passion with violence is all very disturbing.  Some of my grandchildren are included in this piercings and tatooing.  I don't like it, but I know inside they are good people so I can look past the outside a bit, the general public don't know these kids and their first impression is not going to be good.  As for TV - sorry, I like Law & Order, First 48, COPS, but also Wheel of Fortune, Crossword and game shows of that nature.  Animal Planet, National Geographic and History are good, but ALL of these channels will have some violence in some peoples eyes.  Remember how we laughed at the roadrunner being chased, rocks falling on him, being blown up with dynamite?  Was that not violence?  But did we realize it at the time?  I allowed my children to watch those "violent, mind-warping" shows.  My television has a remote that will easily let me change the channel if I don't like what is on.  By the way, WHAT EVER HAPPENED TO RANDOLPH SCOTT?   ::) ::) ???


Hey MA He's on AMC! Watched him just the other day! My philosophy on raisin my boys was not sweatin the small stuff like watchin horror movies or listenin to the music they listened to, or their clothes up to a certain point. Figured if I gave em room they'd grow out of most of it and they did. They turned out pretty good if I do say so myself. Kinda the same way with Ashley, we talk about stuff, I do the same with her, let her express her youth so to speak to a certain point and she's growin out of it just like the boys did. We all drove our parents crazy with our clothes and hair and music and the movies we saw etc. Think people need to step back and say hey, it's tv, it's entertainment, turn it off and get back to real life when your shows over. And as for the music, me and my kids pretty much listen to the same thing lol, everthing from marilyn manson to johnny horton! As for the piercin and tattoos I made em wait till they were 18 and could pay for it themselves, one has a pierced toungue, the boys have a few tattoos but shoot I've got one too. And most of the stuff they said they wanted to do when they were 15 or 16 they no longer wanted when they got grown. Figure Ashley will be the same way. As for movies and stuff I'm not a fan of slasher movies or stuff like that but the boys watched freddie and jason and neither one turned out to be an axe murderer, I watch AMC, TMC, lost and Jericho, anyway to make a long story short, think it's more about the family than it is about the tv or music. But that's just my opinion and I could be wrong! ;D
Being Irish, he had an abiding sense of tragedy, which sustained him through temporary periods of joy.
William Butler Yeats


no, I don't think you are wrong.  FAMILY VALUES are what teaches kids right from wrong.


Psst, Flo... I'm a Law and Order junkie, too.  Law and Order CI and SVU, too.  CSI, CSI Miami, CSI NY.  Numb3ers.  Chuck just goes downstairs and watches the Outdoor Channel.


Quote from: Tobina on April 25, 2008, 05:34:39 PM
.  Chuck just goes downstairs and watches the Outdoor Channel.

Yeahhhhh for Chuck!
  ( keeps my paycheck coming..)   ;D hahahahahaha

But have to tell you that right now, that Kjell is logged on to CBS on his computer and is watching Jericho.
Every single one of the episodes can be watched ..and that is just what he is doing.  ;D
I am going to watch them when I get a chance, but right now, I am trying to work on my computer at my desk.. ( which is right beside his ) and it is real hard to try to get my work done and listen to this awesome show.

Well Behaved Women Rarely Make History !

Diane Amberg

Flo, Randolf Scott, who was "closely associated" with one of our local heiress types long ago, retired in the early 60s and died in CA. in 1987.

W. Gray

Believe it or not, the only Randolph Scott movie I saw as a "kid" was Ride the High Country in 1962  with Joel McCrea. They played a couple of over the hill gunmen.

However, since introduction of the western channel, I have seen virtually every Randolph Scott movie made.

Turns out Ride the High Country was his last.

He was born in 1898 so he was "old" when he made a zillion westerns in the forties and fifties.
"If one of the many corrupt...county-seat contests must be taken by way of illustration, the choice of Howard County, Kansas, is ideal." Dr. Everett Dick, The Sod-House Frontier, 1854-1890.
"One of the most expensive county-seat wars in terms of time and money lost..." Dr. Homer E Socolofsky, KSU


Diane, I knew that - that was a "line" from the Statler Bros. song and I do agree with most of the song.  ;D


New Subject, but not one to get excited about.  Computer printouts.  Have you noticed that when you print something from the computer that the last page will have nothing except a couple of lines at the top of the page that doesn't mean anything, but uses up a whole sheet of good paper?  Also, a short article that would fit on one page comes in such large print that it requires 3 pages, the last page of which doesn't have anything to do with the article?  Have you noticed this and does it bring to mind the question "Where are the global warming people that they aren't trying to stop this waste of paper?"  I save these pages and use the backs for printing letters for proofreading or other things that will be discarded or filed in my own files.  But I still have more than I can use.  What about you?

Bonnie M.

Yes, exactly the same!  If it's something I can "control," by just asking the printer to print one page, or two, I'll do that, but I don't always know how many pages might be involved.  But, I, too, use both sides of the paper, so it's more the use of the expensive cartridge ink than it is the paper, for me.

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