Soap Box Day Today

Started by Wilma, May 18, 2007, 08:25:38 AM

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Have anyone notice that the Native Americans do not speak out about the abuse against them because of the EuroAmericans cheated and stole their lands not counting how many times both parties broke the peace treaties between them.  The blacks need to learn from the Native Americans to face what was done because it can't be change and go on to make a better future.


I have a question.  We just heard that the big contract for new tankers for the Air Force has been awarded to Air Bus which I understand is in France.  My question is, why is a contract for this enormous amount of money going outside the United States when the same thing is available in our own country?  Can anyone answer this?  Does anyone care?

W. Gray

A subsidiary of Air Bus teamed up with Northrup to beat out Boeing.

The tankers will be built in U.S. in Georgia.

Boeing was involved in a scandal involving air tankers a few years ago and may have lost on that account.
"If one of the many corrupt...county-seat contests must be taken by way of illustration, the choice of Howard County, Kansas, is ideal." Dr. Everett Dick, The Sod-House Frontier, 1854-1890.
"One of the most expensive county-seat wars in terms of time and money lost..." Dr. Homer E Socolofsky, KSU


I thought I understood the news to say that the parts will be built in France, but that the airplanes will be put together in US (Georgia)?  I also heard that since France has gov't healthcare, they didn't have to include that in the budget for workers for the planes, whereas US companies do.  Also, they will have to build hangars and runways to accomodate these planes.  I also repeat Wilma's question... WHY did this company get the contract???

Not sure they will get the decison overturned, but heard that KS lawmakers are raising a big stink in Washington and asking these hard questions to the Pentagon officials.

W. Gray

They will be built in Mobile, Ala, instead of Georgia.

The sub assemblies are to be built at several places including France and the U.K. This is the way Boeing now works also. Subassembly work in overseas areas for their new Dreamliner is behind schedule causing Boeing to be late with deliveries. Overseas labor is cheaper.

A few years ago, Boeing received a contract to build the new tanker planes but many in Congress objected, including John McCain. The Boeing contract was for leasing, rather than buying, so the AF could get them sooner. It is easier for the services to get operation and maintenance money for leasing than it is capital asset money for buying.

A scandal soon ensued involving two high level women in DoD procurement who just happened to get jobs at Boeing. Apparently, there was some financial padding of lease terms favoring Boeing going on.

Boeing lost the contract and Congress requested that competition be opened to more than one company. It is one of theses situations "be careful what you ask."

Boeing went ahead with development and is now selling their tankers to other countries armed forces, although not very many.

From what I have heard, the French, er, Northrup Grumman tankers carry twice the fuel of Boeings planes but cost more. The bigger size is an advantage.

Another advantage I have heard is that the Northrup tankers have the capability of refueling both AF and Navy planes without landing and resetting or redoing their fuel dispensing equipment. For some reason, it takes different equipment to refuel each service's planes.

Wichita was supposed to be the site for some subassembly work on the Boeing tankers and that is why Brownback and Tihart are trying to get involved.

It may be that just the Mobile plant will need the runways. That is going to be a totally new plant.

I am surprised Obama and Hillary are not discussing the tanker contract.

McCain really cannot say too much because he was instrumental in getting the contract rebid.

The current contract is for something like 180 planes, there are more than 500 that need to be replaced. Northrup will probably be well positioned to get the follow on contracts.

"If one of the many corrupt...county-seat contests must be taken by way of illustration, the choice of Howard County, Kansas, is ideal." Dr. Everett Dick, The Sod-House Frontier, 1854-1890.
"One of the most expensive county-seat wars in terms of time and money lost..." Dr. Homer E Socolofsky, KSU


Tomorrow is Soap Box Day and I have noticed some of you have very strong feelings about the animal situation that has happened in our county.  Here is your chance to vent.  So let's hear it.  Let us have it.  Get it off your mind.  Who knows, someone might be listening that needs to hear you right now.


Sorry; didn't realize there was only a specified day for soap boxes.


There isn't an only day that you can get on your soap box if you want, because when you feel deeply about something that is the time to talk about it.  Soap box day is just an invitation to state your opinion when you might not otherwise think to do it.  I would like to hear some more about this.  I didn't know that you could no longer have horses put down.  Please, if you have more to say, say it.  This is something more people need to know about.  And you probably know more about it than most people.


You know that I have posted alot about the mistreating of animals.  I'm very passionate about it.  We have had our share of animals dropped off at our place and to tell you the truth that is just as bad.  We only have one female dog on the place and she is fixed.  Some one dropped off a female terrier at our place.  She of course got pregnant, and we got rid of the pups. We gave them away.  But the mother was killing our chickens and we had to put her down.  Alot of people might not like that either, but what is one to do when they kill other animals.  We have had to do this with a couple of our other dogs.  When we had goats, we had one that would get in the pen and try to kill them.  But I feel this is very much different than just not feeding the animals.  To me that is terrible.  I know that they man who is is trouble for hoarding animals posted bale right away.  Ok, you have the money to get yourself out of jail, but no money to feed these animals.  I see something wrong with this picture.   My husband is a very loving and kind man.  He is an animal lover to.  He made the comment to me, Angie maybe all the animals got to be to much, maybe he did not realize what he was getting himself into.  But after seeing all the information surface, he just couldn't believe that the man would have let it get this far.  I am going to call the to see about adopting one of the animals if not more.  I know that we will take care of them.  I just hope that they all haven't been placed yet.

I am going to say, I am really shocked that the sherriff's office has done such a good job taking care of this matter.  Not that I don't trust them, its just this is a very odd case for our county.  They say that this goes on alot around here, but I have never seen it to this extent.  What also worries me, is the children in this case.  I know that they have 3 kids, not sure that they are theirs, maybe grandchildren, but one is in Jr. high, one in 6th grade, and one in 4th.  My daughter has one in her class, and she was already talking about him and the animals.  She feels sorry for him.  She said that she is afraid that people will make fun of him.  I was shocked that she cared about him, since he is one that has given her so much trouble in school.  But that is another soap box, but It is nice to see that my daughter has sympathy for him and the situation.  That shows me that she is a caring person.  But anyways, what I was getting at is, I hope that they are taking care of the children.  I hope that they are getting feed and not mistreated, too.  Ok, I have had my soap box, NEXT..... :P
Love everyday like it's your last on earth!!


I don't know what else I can say that I haven't already. It still makes me very angry, regardless of the situation this man was in. It's true, there's not much of a horse market these days, but I'm positive someone around here would have taken them if he posted information somewhere. I bought one horse last fall who wasn't trained at all...He's like a big dog and I just fell in love with him. It's quite possible I would have bought one of the "starved" horses had I known about them. He always had the chance to get rid of the animals. Always had an opportunity. He may have gotten in over his head, but there's never a moment he couldn't have posted an ad in the Good News, the Flint Hills Express, the Eagle, etc. Or even driven to Tripco or P & J's to put up flyers. He IS a "hoarder"  and is a cruel man. The pens they kept some of the animals in were very small. The horse pens were nubbed to bare ground.

People like this sicken me. I believe they are extremely selfish individuals. Only thinking about themselves. Maybe some don't realize what they're getting themselves into. They buy a puppy, or kitten, or a colt, and then when it grows up they're disinterested or realize what a chore it truly is. BUT STILL, there's ALWAYS the opportunity to sell it, GIVE it away.

You know what it took me to feed my 2 horses last month? $11.76. Yep. That's it. Billy's horses and bills are separate from mine, but I don't think he paid over $60.00.

I took in 2 dogs when my friend divorced and moved to Wichita. I did it out of the kindness of my heart, and I didn't complain once. When I realized we had too many dogs, I tried to get rid of the Cocker Spaniel. I advertised her and finally gave her away. I fed her the entire time she was here. I didn't starve her because I didn't want her anymore. You don't do that. If I could afford it, I would own every dog that I ever passed along the road that had been dumped off. It bothers me that this happened so close to home. It wasn't even 3 miles from my house! It makes you sad to know that these things are getting closer and closer.

I think we live in a wonderful community. Farmers and ranchers take pride in their livestock. They have to be devoted to their herd; be it goats, cattle, or hogs. They can't "take a day off" and not feed. I wouldn't go so far as to say that they are animal lovers, but it's their job. And it's the job they chose.

And who has prairie dogs as pets? That in itself is ridiculous. Things belong in the wild for a reason. Leave them there!

AND - Don't put this guy in jail so I can pay for him for 10 years...or however long he ends up being there (If he even goes). Put him out behind the barn, with no shade, little water at the bottom of the stock tank, and NO food. Let's see how sorry he is then.

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