Soap Box Day Today

Started by Wilma, May 18, 2007, 08:25:38 AM

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I'm hungry now.  Can we skip to the pie?  Coconut cream would do nicely.


Life is uncertain. Eat dessert first.

(an Italian proverb)


besides that my grandma Johnson always said eat dessert first, cause after the meal you might not have room for it and she was a wise lady.

p.s. Wilma, can't put this in the mutating wish but that's 2 now  >:(



Diane, I just reread our earlier conversation and changed my moving date to 2005.  But you are right.  When I think of everything that I have had to do since we bought this house and most of it I didn't list, I can see why I am a mite tired of making decisions and having to do things that I am not ready to do.  But the roof and the car are necessities now.  Maybe the rest of it can be pieced out, like the repair to the ceiling that will need to be done after the roof is done.  And thanks for the encouraging words.


I can sympathize and empathize with your situation.  It is all too much sometimes to make all those decisions---especially alone.  You have my prayers and thoughts.  Know that you are blessed by having daughters and friends on the forum to "vent" to.  That is important. 

I, too, have just this summer had to purchase a new vehicle.  I had never bought one by myself before.  My husband and I always were together when we bought a vehicle.  And then the garage door opener quit (and still is down), the lawn mower wouldn't start, and then my refrigerator completely quit.  (Not the pool's--my own).  And my house desperately needs siding. Somedays it's just too much, so I give it to God.  And do my best.  I could easily get down--but I remind myself, this is only the world.  Heaven will be so much better.  And I ask for divine guidance---and then sit quietly and wait.  If I start to get down--I get up and do something different, because whatever I was doing let my mind return to the "frustrated and down" feeling.  My lawn mower is now fixed---thanks to just mentioning it and as it turned out a neighbor fixed it in no time at all.  Garage door is still broken--but it was a luxury anyway.  I have a new refrigerator that was delivered right to my kitchen---and even though it was an added expense---things just clicked when it was time to purchase.  House is not sided----but maybe someday.........

I so much appreciate you putting your feelings into words.  We share a very common bond---and my heart goes out to you.             Susan


Thank you, Susan.  The funny part about this is that my husband and I so often disagreed on what to do or to buy and now that he isn't here to disagree with me I find it difficult to make a decision.  So goes the world and contrary people like me.  I did siding last summer and I am so glad I did.  It made the house feel better.

Diane Amberg

It sounds to me like you both are doing a really good job under hard circumstances. You both have angels watching over you and a good deep breath and a nice cup of tea (and a piece of pie) help too. It's like that silly old joke...How do you eat an elephant? One bite at a time.

Janet Harrington

One thing I want to say about Mother's renters.  We usually rented to people who really needed a place to live because of one thing or another.  Mother was extremely nice by not charging a whole lot for rent and not requiring any deposit, etc.

Yes, she was taken advantage of because, for some reason, that is what mankind does these days.  Probably did in the old days, too.

Did she get any thanks for trying to help out young people?  Nope.  I will say, though, that only one set of renters left the place dirty.  The last two sets cleaned the trailer really good. 

My only hope is that someday, those young renters will "Pay it forward".  That they will mature enough to see that someone needs help and that they will help those people. 

We must always remember that life is not about us.  Life is about God and helping people.  Do as Jesus did. 

John Batson, the owner of Batson Drug for many, many years, had a sign on his desk that read,  "Lord, there is nothing that happen during this day that You and I can't handle together."  (I probably paraphrased that).  Think about it.


Just a quickie to let Diane know that I have taken a positive step and now have a car that I will paying for the rest of my life.  And you who have been used to seeing a white van under my carport, yes, the car that is there now is different.  It just looks the same even tho it is blue instead of white.  Also, newer.  So I like Dodge Caravans and Chrysler Town & Countrys.  They fit me and my chair.

Thanks, Diane, for the encouraging words when I needed them.  I also have an estimate coming on the roof.  I'm using Janet's inheritance to pay for things.

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