Soap Box Day Today

Started by Wilma, May 18, 2007, 08:25:38 AM

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Anybody, do you believe the party is more important than the candidate?  Isn't it more important that the best person be elected to the office than which party they belong to?

Diane Amberg

I believe the person is more important than the party, but in so many cases, without  party support the person doesn't stand much of a chance.


Haven't done much with this thread for awhile because people have been getting on their soap box when the occasion arises, which is as it should be.  And my topic is just a repeat of an old one.

Why can't the county road men clean up the county road yard??????  The weeds and Johnson grass is way high and I have to see it every time I look out my kitchen window.  I also can see several of the men standing around doing nothing.  Don't they know how to use hand tools such as a weed whip or scythe?  I'll bet they don't even know what a scythe is.  Is the only thing they can do is get on a big machine?  There are hand sprayers, too.  The spraying doesn't have to be done with a big tank in the back of a truck.  If they are worried about contaminating the neighbors yards, Round-up doesn't drift and it is systemic.


round-up doesn't drift? try spraying it with even a very gentle breeze.  I have a solution for you.  ;D ;D don't look out your kitchen window.  ;D ;D


That is impossible for me.  Some people can stay behind closed doors and curtains all day, but I can't.  I love the wide open spaces and the sky and the far off hills.  I don't belong in town, but at my age and condition it doesn't make sense to live way out yonder where it takes forever for an ambulance to reach you.  If they can find the way.


Today's subject:


I don't have the time right now to get into this as fully as I would like, but I wanted to get it started.  My simple answer is yes.  The press and media news are obligated to be as truthful as possible, but some of them are not doing that and are in fact doing just the opposite.


Wilma, what a great question at a time like this. I think they are obligated to tell the truth period, I can think of no good excuse for them not to. I agree, I think it is the worst reporting I have ever seen, but I think this Presidential election has brought out the worst in everything and everybody, that I have ever seen in an election..

Judy Harder

good morning to you.

I agree about the news? people............we really can't believe anything they tell us.

I know there is truth out there..........but, where is it???

One thing, the masses (people) have finally had enough and what I am seeing is that
more and more Americans are ready to stand up and be counted.

At last there will be a goodly number voting and maybe, just maybe the powers-that-be will listen to us.

For some reason I think that the people in Washington think we are just "no account" and that what ever they feed us will
be accepted as GOSPEL!!!
Not going to happen.

We are going to stand up and TAKE BACK AMERICA!!!!!!

God help us all.
Today, I want to make a difference.
Here I am Lord, use me!


AMEN JUDY AMEN, Judy, I was glad to see you respond, I was beginning to think Wilma and I had broken the forum


This election is making me sick.  I watched CNN for about 3 hours the other morning (while I was working at a customer's house), and I wanted this election to be over so bad!  Yes, I'm voting this year (first time in a long time), but wish there were better candidates to vote for.  I've always said that dirty campaign makes for dirty politicians, but seems as though that's all there is.  I dare someone to run for an office and really actually run a clean campaign.  No, they probably won't get elected the first time, but maybe it would change the tide.

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