Soap Box Day Today

Started by Wilma, May 18, 2007, 08:25:38 AM

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I have a soap box subject that I'm sure will get a lot of flack but here goes.  Lately I have noticed that probably 7 or more out of 10 TV shows and commercials are black people.  I have never considered myself prejudice but neither have I ever considered myself a "minority", but that's just about the case.  I think that NAACP should now stand for NATIONAL ASSOCIATION FOR THE ADVANCEMENT OF CAUCASIAN PEOPLE. Now,  :-\ let the fur start flying.


I agree with you that TV seems to be going black.  Not only commercials, but shows as well.  Flipping through the channels, which I do a lot of anymore, I land on mostly black people.  Most of the basketball teams are mostly black men as well as the football teams.  I am not saying that this shouldn't be, but it does seem that we are going overboard to see that black people are not slighted.  I am not going to stop watching basketball because it's mostly black and I will not refuse to watch a show that is mostly black just because the participants are black.  I still look for quality and where I am finding it is in the old shows which are mostly white.  Not because they are mostly white, but the content of the shows is more to my taste.

You are right, Flo.  TV seems to be going black.  Now if they can come up with the content that I like, I will watch it.  I still watch The Cosby Show and the one with Steve Uerkle, "Family Matters?", Sandfor and son, those were on because the content was good.  Maybe I am just old, but I still hold out for quality of content, not quantity.


No fur flying here...............
Well Behaved Women Rarely Make History !


Doesn't bother me either.  We don't watch much TV  --  mostly news and weather.  We sometimes watch Public TV from Rogers State University if we do watch, or the debates.  That's about it.



It would be interesting to know why you don't watch TV.  No time, nothing worth watching, even old movies don't catch you anymore?  The old timers might have been right when they said TV wouldn't last.

T. Sackett

     I for one do not watch TV.  We have one, but it is not hooked up to cable or satellite, as we had it disconnected about a couple years ago.  We got tired of watching the same old movies over and over and over, until we almost knew the lines by heart.  As for the other programs.............we didn't care for a lot of the smut and other junk they were trying to cram down our throats.   As for the "black community" dominating TV these days, it sounds to me like the "shoe is on the other foot" now.  For many years the blacks that watched TV were mainly seeing "whites" on various programs.  With so many hispanic, blacks and other nationalities increasing in number throughout the country.............yes, I would say the whites are fast becoming the minority.  But I doubt if you will see or hear of the whites  running to the NAACP hollering ..........DISCRIMINATION!
Honorary Member of the Old Man's 4-H Club: Hernia, Hiccups, Hemorrhoids, and Heartburn!


How about watching the Discovery Channel, the History Channel, the Arts and Entertainment Channel, Home and Garden channel, the Travel Channel, or the Animal channel.  These are the channels I watch because the regular channels have nothing on that I will watch because of the stupidity.  I watch the game shows (Jeopardy, Wheel of Furtune, Family Feud, the Millionaire show, Are you Smarter than a Fifth Grader?) on regular channels for the entertainment and education.


I hadn't intended this to be who does and who does not watch TV.  T Sackett got my point.  Doesn't make any difference, there's nothing to be done about it.  Just had to get it off my chest.


I feel like we are getting  a taste of what minorities put up with foso long.


Flo.. I knew what you were getting at.. but instead of pounding the keyboard..( again)  :-X I just decided to play it cool ..
It doesn't matter cause there isn't a darn thing you can do about it. I don't care one hoot about color, gender or sexual preference.. UNLESS ..and I say this emphatically.. UNLESS they want to make a big deal out of it!
Blacks are abusing the "discrimination" road. I mean come n.. Blacks are far from being discriminated against. Hell the black community has more rights than the white community. And I'm sick of the whine that because I am black and my great great great great great grandfather was a slave, I need special treatment now.
And gender in jobs? Another area where .. who cares as long as the person can do the job and wants to be in that position.. then who cares if he is a stay at home dad.. or she is a construction worker..
Sexual preference? I don't care who sleeps with who.. Just don't make a big deal out of it. ..just because someone prefers to have sex with the same sex doesn't give them the right to cram it down everyones throat. They want to be treated normally, but yet they flaunt it to anyone who has eyes and ears.

I'd like to tell all of them..

Just my worth..

(((so much for my  :-X and  letting it lay)))  ::) ::)
Well Behaved Women Rarely Make History !

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