Soap Box Day Today

Started by Wilma, May 18, 2007, 08:25:38 AM

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I was a little perplexed, too.  That was when I decided not to write checks at these places.  I'll be darned if I want my checks getting to the bank before I get out of the check out line.  That's a bit too fast.  I think the credit card is the best way for me.  I might have as much as a month before I even get the statement and then another 15 to 20 days to pay it.  And it isn't costing me anything.  I can control my checkbook better if I have the time to sit down and use the calculator when I write checks.

W. Gray

The first time I was confused about what was going on and then remembered that Congress had made some changes to banking laws to benefit the businessperson. I brought that up to the clerk but the clerk did not know. So I checked with my bank.

I think we will find more and more that more businesses will be operating this way. Potentially, this process could wipe out all bad checks.

I still walk away feeling a little strange like something is missing.

Another thing that Congress now allows is not sending the canceled checks back to the issuer in the monthly statement.

I think some banks have run into a problem with their customers on this one. One bank I know of sends a copy of each canceled check bunched together on 8 .5 x 11 paper. A couple sheets of paper are much cheaper than sending a bunch of canceled checks through the mail.

I have not received a canceled check from my bank for 27 years. In return for agreeing to this process in the early 1980s, the bank provides at no charge personal checks that have carbon or today's equivalent underneath each check. That way you always know how much your check was even if you forgot to put the amount in the check register. These checks have always been available but are otherwise expensive.

At first, if we needed a canceled check to prove something, the bank gave us a photocopy of the front and back. It did not hurt that my bank was only about 100 feet from where I was sitting at my desk. Nowadays, I need only go on line, access my account, and copy the front and back.

"If one of the many corrupt...county-seat contests must be taken by way of illustration, the choice of Howard County, Kansas, is ideal." Dr. Everett Dick, The Sod-House Frontier, 1854-1890.
"One of the most expensive county-seat wars in terms of time and money lost..." Dr. Homer E Socolofsky, KSU

Bonnie M.

We pay for all of our purchases with our "Southwest Airlines VISA credit card," and we get "free" airline tickets, one or two a year.  Bob "diligently" keeps the recipes from our purchases, and the day that the VISA statement arrives, he sits down, goes over all of the purchases, and send them the check, so we have never paid any interest.  I guess the checks we write are for Church, paying bills through the mail and for "things" other than making purchases at a store.  SO, I've not had the experience of writing a check and having it handed back to me, after it's been processed.  I can see where that would certainly help in eliminating the writing of bad checks, as I guess the bank account is accessed from the cash register?  What happens if "a person" lost their check book?  Do they check your identity when you write a check?  I know they used to.  How many businesses do business that way?  (Handing you back the check you've just written.)

So, Teresa, you're not the only one who would be quite surprised, to have their check handed back to them!  I know I would be!

W. Gray

It seems to happen quite a bit but is not yet a common transaction.

Walmart uses the procedure. When I am in Howard and take my mom to Walmart, she still cannot understand why they give her the check back even though I have explained to her several times.

We recently purchased a television from a local electronics chain that uses the procedure. Two of our utility companies do it. Our grocery store does it. I am not sure what physically happens to or who gets my paper check when a utility uses this procedure.

The process is done with an electronic reader at the checkout probably wired to the register. I presume there is an electronic connection to the appropriate bank, etc, otherwise the check would not be accepted. The reader runs the check back and forth several times. It sometimes seems ridiculous the number of times it takes.

I suspect the reader and whatever other equipment needed is expensive. That might keep some retailers from adopting the procedure but in the long run it will probably be less expensive than processing checks in the time honored way and enduring losses.

My wife is always with me when I make a purchase. If the clerk asks for my ID I sometimes point to my wife and say "She can tell you who I am." Most clerks will laugh but some seem to get indignant. In either case, they want the ID.

"If one of the many corrupt...county-seat contests must be taken by way of illustration, the choice of Howard County, Kansas, is ideal." Dr. Everett Dick, The Sod-House Frontier, 1854-1890.
"One of the most expensive county-seat wars in terms of time and money lost..." Dr. Homer E Socolofsky, KSU

Bonnie M.

I'm always happy when they ask for my ID.

Judy Harder

The Dollar Store is another one who processes your check in the store.

First time I was uncomfortable........but, now it isn't a bad thing.
Just a new (to me) way of doing things.

It is just one more thing to call CHANGE and you know that none of us
like change...........and I think this is another form of getting people use to
the "New/Modern and improved world.........hold on to your hat will be a bumpy ride.

Hugs and God bless
:P ;)
Today, I want to make a difference.
Here I am Lord, use me!


Kjell doesn't call it a "dollar Store"..
Because of me.. he calls it the $73 Dollar Store.  ;D

He exaggerates.. but I DO love to shop in those places.
Well Behaved Women Rarely Make History !

Judy Harder

but I DO love to shop in those places

me too.........if you are careful, you can find all kind of cool things........
and at a dollar each, if you make a be it........almost like a flea
shop.....but cheaper..........
8) 8) 8) ;) ;)
Today, I want to make a difference.
Here I am Lord, use me!


This thread has been neglected lately and I am sorry to say that I am as much at fault as anyone.  I could at least remind someone of something they would like to sound off on.  I want to thank Judy for reminding me of one of my favorite subjects to complain about.  I have been reading her daily devotionals ( which I enjoy very much) and today's was about what you take into your heart affects the person you are.

That is true, but it is also true that what you take into your body and mind affects the person you are.  You all know that what you take into your body determines if you are fat and sloppy or trim and slim, but do you realize that what you take into your mind affects your outlook on life? 

If your mind is overloaded with violence, you will react violently.  Are your favorite TV shows the ones that are loaded with violence?  Or with sex?  How can our children learn what is right and wrong when they see it all the time?  and I am not talking about children's shows.  I am talking about adult shows that children watch because what they watch is not being monitored.

This is also true of the books we choose to read or the magazines we have laying around that the children can see.  And what about the jokes you tell and your children hear?  Maybe the gossip you repeat in their hearing?  I didn't intend for this to be about children even if they are the most important in this sense.  What about yourself?  Is your outlook on life being affected by the shows you watch, the books and magazines you read, the jokes and gossip you listen to and repeat? 

I don't think that God intended for us to spend our lives violently or be obsessed with sex.  And I am sure that he didn't intend for us to speak unkindly of our neighbors.  If each of us could be a little more careful about what we watch or let our children watch, what kind of books and magazines we read and our children get hold of and the things we listen to and repeat about our neighbors,  we would all be better people and the world would be a better place to live in.

Now having said all this, my favorite TV right now is basketball.  Is it possible that I can become a great basketball player?

Judy Harder

Sure you can Wilma..............we can do anything we choose to do.
Course, you need to practice and jump and go back to school to learn
how......but, it is just as do-able as learning to read.

As for what we all watch, I get so depressed when each and every time I turn on computer
or news or the television, the first thing they report on is that NEGATIVE NEWS that makes the

I do not care for Yellow Journalism, but that makes the news so that makes the money.
I am guilty of spreading stuff I have no business spreading. Wish they all would put a positive
story on first. Instead of closing a news cast with an upbeat story (IF THEY HAVE TIME).

Ok, someone else  can grump now..I am done.

Today, I want to make a difference.
Here I am Lord, use me!

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