Soap Box Day Today

Started by Wilma, May 18, 2007, 08:25:38 AM

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Right now I don't have a Soap Box subject but I am hoping to hear from the rest of you on your favorite subject.  How about it?


Just one subject, Wilma?  :(  I can think of several I could "rant and rave" about. 

1.  The school districts keep complaining they need more money------well, if they wouldn't waste so much, they'd have more money.  They use the buses excessively and needlessly, and stupidly.  (Who needs a huge bus, just to take 3-4 students?)  When I grew up, if students wanted to go to an extra ciricular activity, we had to find our own transportation, now the tax payers have to pay for your way to the ball games.  That is not right!

2.  If foreigners are going to live in this country, they need to learn and use ENGLISH as their language.  What can be more frustrating than to call a support line, only to attempt to communicate with some foreigner that doesn't speak your language!!!!!  If they do try to speak English, it's with such an accent, that no one can understand.

3.  Everytime I go to the grocery store, prices have gotten higher, and that puts me in a foul mood, and I'm terrible to live with for the rest of the day.

I better quit before I get too wound up, or you never will hear the end of it.  :laugh:  Who's next?


My things are labels and stereotypes. Sounds sort of petty up next to some other things, but they get me going. You would think that we had advanced enough in our society to where we could just look at someone and see them for what they are, the person they are, the qualities and characteristics that they bring to the table. Nope, we have slide those old filters in, oh he/she is that (insert race), or (age), or (hair color) or (nose length), or supposedly/allegedly does that in the bedroom or well you know their family and the way they are...... Breathe  move on to next rant.

Stereotypes. Sort of like labels. Hate them. Worse are those that do not fight against them but continue to perpetuate them. If you are blonde, why do you insist on doing stupid things? People are there to just jump on that and say, " Ya see.........." Rebel against the stereotypes! My profession is the worse. I detest how they portray librarians. First off, I am not a least the last time I checked. Second, I don't have enough hair for a nice comb over, let alone a bun. Third, if I am lazy and do not want to wear my contacts, I definitely can push my glasses up off the end of my nose. Fourth, yes, I like to wear comfortable shoes. Deal with it. If I could, it would be barefoot, but it would gross out the students. Finally, my vocabulary does extend beyond. SH!

Enough.....petty yes, but thanks for letting me rant.


The last time I looked, librarians were among the most intelligent beings.  And one of the most intelligent was a man from Howard.  And I like bald.  My father was almost bald and my brothers are headed that way.  I prefer pushing my glasses up off my nose and if I don't have comfortable shoes I am not happy.  And above all else I have to be kept happy.


Quote from: Lois on May 18, 2007, 08:48:24 AM
2.  If foreigners are going to live in this country, they need to learn and use ENGLISH as their language.  What can be more frustrating than to call a support line, only to attempt to communicate with some foreigner that doesn't speak your language!!!!!  If they do try to speak English, it's with such an accent, that no one can understand.

I watched an interview this morning with an Hispanic person who has been in the states for 11 years (illegally) they had to have an interpreter because she cannot speak english, but she was excited about the new plan they have to make her legal and how much she wants to be part of the American dream. Made me very angry that she has been here that long and still cannot speak our language and yet we bend over backwards to make it easy for her to have that dream >:(

BTW Are you sure the support line you are calling is in the US? :P


 >:(well, here goes my two cents worth and might add up to three.  First on illegal immigrants - they protest the way we are treating them socially and they want to become citizens with citizen rights.  Ever notice how many of them are carrying the mexican flag while they march????? AND speaking spanish????? Sterotyping - I have a granddaughter who is part of the "piercing" generation.  I don't like it one bit, but it happens. (told her one day not to stand so close to the refrigerator.  She wondered why.  I told her if she got hooked on my magnets, we'd never get her loose. - we both laughed)  I know she is a very sweet girl, but when others see her they see earrings from top to bottom of her ear, nose diamond and lip ring.  Most cannot see past that.  Consequently I have to tell her once in awhile to remove part of the "hardware" when she is in certain public places. (just some grandmotherly advice).  And minorities who think they are being abused.  Don't get me started there.  And I am in no way prejudiced! work hard, keep your hands busy instead of out for somebody to fill with charity, obey the law and keep your nose clean and who cares what color your skin is. Opps, getting close to four cents - enough


This subject was brought up in "politics", but as for trying to get help via ma bell - how bout this sent to me by a family member:

"Hello, This is America,
Press 1 for english or
Press 2 to disconnect until you do."


OK, I found my soapbox.  The price of gasoline, having just filled my car at $3.48 per.  How can people afford to drive to work?  Are we all going to have to go back to living within a few blocks of our place of employment?  And all the activities our children participate in?  Will we have to eliminate them because we can't afford the transport?  And how can our government afford the fuel to fight a war?  I think it is time for the government to step in and stop the price of gasoline from rising.  It could drop but not rise.  Or even roll the price back.  It has been done before.  Maybe the government could require the oil companies to build new refineries, maybe double their output, before they could raise the price again.  I want an immediate solution, not a long term investigation. 


I think we need to think abount conserving.  Crude oil & natural gas is a non-renrewable commodity.  Most of the people we see driving these big Hummers have no real need for them.  A lot of people driving V-8 & V-10 vehicles have no real need for them.  We can also plan our driving routes when we run errands so we don't backtrack.  I don;t know about you people, but we had to do that in th days of th embargo.   We need to think beyond our own generation and think of what a mess we are leaving for our children & grandchildren.  America makes up about 5% of the world population and we use about 25% of the crude oil produced.  Back in the 1970's when my husband was working in London, gasoline was ABOUT $5.00 A GALLON.  Some people didn't have automobiles and said they probably never would as they couldn't afford them.  We have a friend from Scotland & gasoline is at least $10 a gallon over there.  Guess I'd better sign off for this time or I really will get on my soap box.

Guess we've worked in the oil patch too long!!!


I would venture to guess the motorcycle dealers are doing pretty brisk business these days.  I tell Don we may need to get us a small motorcycle with a side car to use. :laugh:  We have a couple of neighbors that wake us up early every morning with their revving up (va-a-r-room, va-a-r-r-ooom) of motorcycles.  And then here comes the 4-wheelers!!!!!  We have so many of those running up and down the streets (wasting our precious gas), all hours of the day and part of the night. (It's like we're being invaded)

We might see more people out riding bicycles, too.  As for me, I live at least 15 miles from the nearest grocery store, so I would need something motorized to get there and back. 

I know how the majority of us can conserve on gas this summer!!!!!  All of us can quit mowing our yard!  :o   :laugh:

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