GOOD NEWS Community Newspaper

Started by genealogynut, October 29, 2006, 01:51:49 PM

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There is only one answer and you wouldn't want to lie, would you?


This story reminds me of this last weekend when Ashley went to Branson with Teri ( her mother) and Rochelle and me.
She was "excited" to say the least and to have ~just the girls with no boys~ was an added plus in her 5 year old eyes.
She kept us all on our toes as she never stopped talking. And I mean Never!
Much to her mama's chagrin, she continually her miniature yet grown up voice ..let us know how the cow ate the cabbage. Sometimes to the point of being firmly corrected for her "tone of voice" or her "less than desirable attitude" when trying to get her point across.

There was more than once, when I had to turn my face to the window or walk away because I just couldn't keep the grin from spreading. I had my sneaking suspicions that Teri occasionally had trouble hiding her inside laughter too. Several times none of us could contain it, and we just burst out laughing at her.
This little 'angel sprite' of mine is going to be more than capable of holding her own before long. She does  pretty good job of doing it now.

I..being the grandma..( and we grandma's do have our special way....
sometimes could correct her with more positive results than her mama could...but it kept us both on top of things to make sure that she had a good time..but still understood her manners and respect to us and to those around her.

Since the ice and snow was everywhere I repeatedly told her to be careful, because she was wanting to jump in every snow pile that there was. Well sure enough, she fell once and it hurt her hand on the ice. She cried, but with plenty of kisses and hugs from us, she quickly was on the mend.

The next time we got out of the truck she flatly told me,"Now be careful Mee Maw.. This ice is treacherous and I mean treacherous! Do you hear me Mee Maw? You are old and will really hurt yourself! Mee Maw? Are you listening to me?" ( At this point I was on the other side of the truck and I guess I wasn't answering her in the timely manner that I should have)
With a huge amount of disgust she came over and took my hand and said,
"Well I guess I must be wasting my breath trying to warn you cause you are just being stubborn and not doing what I say. Guess you just don't care if you fall or not!"
I had to laugh and thanked her for telling me and that I would do my best to be careful.

I could write a book on things that she says. The big words that she uses ( and correctly too) totally blow me away.

There is nothing like grandchildren to put the rainbow in your every day.
Well Behaved Women Rarely Make History !

Janet Harrington

Well, of course, you all know, or maybe you don't, that Miss Ashley got some of her traits from "Sheriff Janet."  She, (Ashley) has always looked up to me and watched me and gets her attitude from me.  ha ha ha   :P :-*

By the way, Ms. T, I truly do like that picture.


Uuummmmm, that's right.
Especially the talking part.
Well Behaved Women Rarely Make History !


Here are four of the news article headlines in Good News for the week of May 16, 2007.  If you are interested in having any of the full stories posted, just let me know.  :)

1.  Carnival Coming to Longton May 24-26

2.  Area students help tornado victims in Greensburg, KS

3.  Celebrate our rural heritage at Pioneer Days on June 1, 2, and 3   (Caney, Ks)

4.  Steam & Gas Engine Show in Winfield is announced


I am interested in reading the first 2 articles that you listed from the Good News Community Newspaper, if it's not too much trouble.  Thank you for offering to do that.

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