Basketball Queen Crowned (1962)

Started by genealogynut, May 11, 2007, 02:25:26 PM

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Howard Courant-Citizen
March 1, 1962

The crowning of the 1962 basketball queen took place Friday, February 23, in the Howard grade school gymnasium, between the B and A games with Cedarvale.

Janice Dennett was the announcer and we want to thank her for the wonderful job that she did,  We also wish to thank Mr. Harrison for the recorded music, "Pomp and Circumstance."

The house lights were turned off and a spotlight in the balcony focused on the queen candidates and their escorts as they entered through the gym doors.  The candidates and escorts were as follows:  Senior candidate, Drusilla Caruthers and escort, Mike Elliot; sophomore candidate, Claudia Wilkes and escort, Terry Boone; freshman candidate, Sharon Perkins and escort Gary Haak; Pep Club candidate, Alice Adams and escort John Crowell.

The spotlight then focused on Don Helms, captain, as he went up the stairs to the throne, where our queen, the junior candidate, Sue Perkins, was seated. The two crown bearers, David VanSickle and Susan Ward, led the way to the middle of the basket ball court, where Don, after his coronation speech presented Sue with her gift, crown and the traditional kiss.

Following this, the queen and candidates were escorted to the stage, where they remained for the A game.  Then they attended our homecoming dance after the game.

We also want to thank the student council, the candidates, the escorts and everyone who helped make this event a splendid success.-----Reporter.


Janice was in the hardware store yesterday. Her mother used to babysit for Mark, Robert and Linda Cookson, so she came in to look around and to see Mark. I was friends with Debbie, but never remembered Janice, so it was nice meeting her.
Well Behaved Women Rarely Make History !


where does Janice live now?  I knew her & Adenia.  We also keep in touch with her brother Charles & his wife Karen at Christmas time.


I can't remember... But I will ask Mark and see if he does...
Well Behaved Women Rarely Make History !

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