History of Antioch Church

Started by genealogynut, May 10, 2007, 06:53:04 PM

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Howard Courant-Citizen
July 18, 1963

The Antioch church has a long and interesting history.  On July 31, 1879, a charter was issued to the Mount Zion Methodist Episcopal Church of Howard township, Elk county, Kansas.  The following day the deed was recorded whereby M. A. Hughes and his wife, Rhoda, deeded the five acre square plot of ground forming the northeast corner of the northeast quarter of Section 27, Township 29, Range 11 East, of Howard township, Elk County, Kansas, to the trustees of Mount Zion Methodist Episcopal Church and their successors for the consideration of $5.00.

The trustees were John W. Gender, W. I. Thompson, Robert Webb, Chris Kingsley, and M. H. Hughes.  The deed to this ground is for as long as said premises shall be used, kept, maintained and disposed of as a place of Divine Worship for the use of the ministry and membership of the Methodist Episcopal Church in the United States of America, subject to the discipline, usuage and ministerial appointments of said church as from time to time authorized and declared by the General Conference of said church and the Annual Conference within whose bounds the said premises are situated.

The church was first organized at the Antioch School House, one mile north of the present site, in 1884.  A revival meeting was held by the Rev. Snelling.  There were many converts and the organization followed.  Services continued at the school house while plans and solicitations were made for the new church building.  The Rev. Harmon Allen was pastor who took responsibility of the new building.  Contributions varied from 50 cents to 50 dollars.  The new church was dedicated free of debt in 1897.

Antioch church from its beginning belonged to a Howard circuit.  The first members were from Clear Creek, Bunker Hill and High Hill, which later built Cranston Chapel.  Then Busby was added.  A circuit parsonage was needed when a pastor was supplied by the conference.  In 1903, all of the east one-half of Block 65, save that portion of said block which had been condemned of AT&SF right of way in Howard, Kansas was purchased.  A parsonage was built on the south half of the lots.  In 1918, when the circuit no longer functioned, the parsonage was sold.  The Cranston church was sold, torn down, and moved from the premises.  Clear Creek  was taken over by a HDU, making a community center of it.  Bunker Hill was used as a school house, later sold and moved away.  Busby was torn down in 1922, and moved to build the west addition to Antioch.  Thus, Antioch is the one remaining church of the Howard circuit.  The church as it now stands was dedicated in 1922.

Antioch is designated as the Howard-Antioch charge of the Emporia district of the Kansas conference, meaning one pastor serves both churches.  This has been true excepting at one time for a year or so the Piedmont, Kansas pastor came every other Sunday.

In 1939, when the three branches of Methodism joined together as "The Methodist Church" the local church officals resolved that the name of the Mount Zion Methodist Episcopal Church be changed to the Antioch Methodist church.

The church is complete with electric lighting, modern heating system, kitchen and class room that can be used as a social room.  The yard is beautiful with large cedars surrounding the sides and front of the building.  Antioch has been blessed with good pastors.  The church stands ready to serve and be a light house for God to all in its community, hoping that many find peace and comfort within its walls.  One charter member, Mrs. Lula Morgan, still lives in the community.  (Note from Lois--this was in the paper in 1963, and Lulu Morgan died in 1957)

Antioch Preachers

______ Snelling        1884
John MacLean           1886
T. A. Nichols             1894
Harmon ALlen           1897
Wm. Simons             1900
R. A. Anderson         1906
E. H. Spencer           1906
______  Chatterton
A. Cullison                1912
C. H. Gramley            1914
H. E. Crain                1917
J.R. Cramer               1921
J. H. Hoopengarner    1926
E. E. Satterlee          1929
W. C. Chappel           1932
Geo. Lawellin            1933
A.L. Ryan                 1934
Harry Weed              1935
T.R. Heath               1939
M. W. Faulkner          1943
F.F. Jenkins              1945
P.L. Mitchell              1948
J. Richard Williams      1957
Clarence Harder         1959
Arthur W. Frary         1963

Homecoming was held at the Antioch church on Sunday, July 7, with morning worship, church school, fellowship dinner and program.  About 100 former and present residents and friends signed the register..  Sponsored by the Woman's Society and Church school, it was a wonderful occasion and hoped to be continued yearly.  (facts above were gathered from records, statistics, "grapevine" and memory by Katherine Rech, historian: Mary Walters, assistant historian, and others.

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