Started by Teresa, May 05, 2007, 10:23:49 PM

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You picked a good place, deb.  Hope you stay around for a long time.

W. Gray

Marcia Moore posted this information on Upola a couple years ago:

      I just looked in John Rydjord's book entitled, Kansas Place-Names, to see if it mentioned how Upola got its name.  Here is what it says.

     The story of the naming of a town in Elk County concerns a girl who owned a pony named Polo.  She was riding Polo when the pony stopped at a railroad crossing.  The railway workers heard the girl's exclamation or appeal: "You - Polo!"  From this, it was said, the town of Upola was named. 

"If one of the many corrupt...county-seat contests must be taken by way of illustration, the choice of Howard County, Kansas, is ideal." Dr. Everett Dick, The Sod-House Frontier, 1854-1890.
"One of the most expensive county-seat wars in terms of time and money lost..." Dr. Homer E Socolofsky, KSU


I guess I am the latest one! My name is Lisa Harrington and my husband of 3 wonderful years Will and I will be moving to Howard soon. He is the new English teacher at the high school. We will be bringing our 17 year old son Kyle along with us. Kyle has an older brother Clayton (he's 21) who will be staying in Parsons, Kansas where I was born and raised.

That's not the case for Will. His family is from Wisconsin via the Bera peninsula in Ireland. You can't swing a cat there without hitting a Harrington! When we was little both his mom and dad were in the Air Force and they moved around a lot. He lived in Germany before he got back to the US and Wisconsin.

Yes we are newlyweds! Both of us had bad first marriages, then God led us to each other five years ago. We are looking forward to starting our life together in Howard. Will graduated from a small school just like yours in Retreat, Wisconsin. His wish was to teach in a small school. I'm so glad his wish came true!

We do historical re-enactment as part the Society of Creative Anachronism. It is a world wide organization that focuses on the Middle Ages through the Renaissance. The time that Will and I are interested is the early Christian period in Ireland. We do demos for school, libraries, Boy Scouts, you name it. So if you see us in "funny clothes" don't worry! We're just playing in History.......

Diane Amberg

Hi there, nice to meet you. You all sound like wonderful new assets to the Howard/Elk County area. My  long ago roots are from the country just west of Howard, but I'm  really just an east coast stow away that they put up with on here part of the time.


Quote from: farmgal67357 on June 11, 2011, 04:07:46 PM
We do historical re-enactment as part the Society of Creative Anachronism. It is a world wide organization that focuses on the Middle Ages through the Renaissance. The time that Will and I are interested is the early Christian period in Ireland. We do demos for school, libraries, Boy Scouts, you name it. So if you see us in "funny clothes" don't worry! We're just playing in History.......

There used to be a group of people in Independence who did that. There are probably some of them still there.

Roma Jean Turner

Wow it makes me want to throw on a costume and run around town with you guys playing Lord of the Dance on my recorder.  Excited to see your program.


Quote from: Mom70x7 on June 11, 2011, 06:39:39 PM
There used to be a group of people in Independence who did that. There are probably some of them still there.

That would be the Shire of Bois d'Arc which is our group. The folks who live in Independence have been "playing" for a long time and they are both teachers. Master Alan teaches music at Indy and Mistress Rigela teaches in Neodesha. Plus we have a gentleman who lives there who works for the Independence newspaper. Howard is officially out of the Shire (a local group of a certain size) limits, but we are close enough to be claimed! The next group over would be the Barony of Vatavia which is Wichita.

Lisa AKA Lady Maeva (Mayvuh) and Will AKA Caoilte (Quillcha) It looks strange because it's Gaelic!
our son Kyle does Japanese and his name is Fujiwara no Kensu


Quote from: Roma Jean Turner on June 11, 2011, 06:39:46 PM
Wow it makes me want to throw on a costume and run around town with you guys playing Lord of the Dance on my recorder.  Excited to see your program.

You would be welcome anytime! We used to have an Arts & Sciences night every other Tuesday night, but I fear we will be too far away from the rest of the group for that when we move to Howard. We do SCA friends that live in Elk City so you might see them around!


Diane Amberg

You say you're into the Gaelic, any Celtic? Say St. Colomba and the early Scots Christians?  


Quote from: Diane Amberg on June 11, 2011, 08:57:39 PM
You say you're into the Gaelic, any Celtic? Say St. Colombo and the early Scots Christians? 

Sure! Scots are just Irish that immigrated. The church that hubby and I go to venerate the Saints (we don't pray to them, they aren't God, but they are in Heaven so we ask them to pray for us), his is St. Patrick and mine is St. Bridget.  Along with St. Columba they are the best loved Celtic Saints! There are quite a few people in the SCA that have church related personas. We have a lady in out group that plays a nun from the Abbey of Whitby, a real, historical place in England. Her name is Aethelthritha-try saying that 3 times fast-and she is a very talented artist, painter, potter, and practitioner of the fiber arts. She lives in Coffeyville and my boys adore her because she let them play with her clay when they were younger!
Did I ever mention that hubby is also licensed to teach History?  ;D


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