Started by Teresa, May 05, 2007, 10:23:49 PM

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Oh that is just wonderful!

I love it when I get to boss people around and they snap to it!
Ya hear that Kjell? You need to take some lessons..  ;D ;D LOL

Seriously, it sounds like you have had a busy life and one that you have accomplished
a lot that you can be proud of.
What novels have you written? Are they in book form and available to read?
Ta Ta and I  love our books and we share back and forth lots of what we read.
So if it is possible, tell me the titles and I'll buy them and give you my unprofessional opinion.!  ;)
(Unless they are war story books.. then I'll have to back out of the deal.  :-[
I don't much  like reading about war stuff..

But thank you for posting your bio... and welcome once again to our little town within a little town!
Well Behaved Women Rarely Make History !


Quotejust finished her Junior year at KU in music education. She's going to be an elementary school music teacher

West Elk (USD 282) is looking for an elementary vocal teacher. She'd work in Severy and Moline, K-6. Does she want to come on down early?

Our superintendent said Monday night he had no applicants, so maybe he'd work out a deal with her?

How about that, maybe she could get a job before she even graduates!  :laugh:

We're a super community  :-[ and our elementary kids are the greatest.

Janet Harrington

Good luck, kdfrawg, with everything that you are doing.  We are glad that you have moved to Kansas.  No better state in the US as far as we are concerned.  Thanks for sharing your life with us.


Quote from: Mom70x7 on June 14, 2007, 03:07:59 PM
Quotejust finished her Junior year at KU in music education. She's going to be an elementary school music teacher

West Elk (USD 282) is looking for an elementary vocal teacher. She'd work in Severy and Moline, K-6. Does she want to come on down early?

Our superintendent said Monday night he had no applicants, so maybe he'd work out a deal with her?

How about that, maybe she could get a job before she even graduates!  :laugh:

We're a super community  :-[ and our elementary kids are the greatest.

Oh no! Amanda is about 18 months away from being a teacher (her senior year plus student teaching) and is giving a lot of thought to where she might be doing that. She is actually thinking about Colorado because: 1) They pay better, 2) they have mountains and she is a skier, 3) they have rocks and she is a climber, and 4) her aunt (who also is into outdoor sports) lives in Ft. Collins. I am trying to stay out of the decision, except to counteract Mom, who doesn't want her child to leave Lawrence, so hopefully as a couple we come of neutral.



Teresa, please don't tell my wife I took orders. I would never live it down, as I tend to be a bit of an independent cuss.

As for my books, one is a counter-terrorism book, sort of like a who-dunit and the other is hard science fiction. Both are languishing in manuscript form on my bookshelves alone, and as it happens, in query-letter and first-three-chapters form in the offices of a number of literary agents, none of whom have as yet seen fit to send money.



Our schools certainly the best.  I have four children that went all the way through this system and look how they all turned out.  Well, maybe the school can't be blamed for all of it.  And our own Flo worked in the Severy system.  Empty Nest is a Severy teacher and her mother retired from there.  And I will bet that there are some of our members that I don't know about working in the system.  By all means, encourage your daughter to look into this.  Empty Nest can tell her who she should contact.

I might like your counter-terrorism book, but you can keep the science fiction unless it is like Star Trek, especially Voyager.


I can tell you that I was incredibly pleased to hear Amanda say that she wanted to be a teacher. And prouder yet that she wanted to be an elementary music teacher, especially after she trotted out all of the statistics about how el-high students involved somehow in music do better in school all around.

The our local district decided to make cuts and music was among them. Amanda went to the next school board meeting and gave a 10-minute presentation about how counter-productive it would be to cut music. I got to watch it on the local info cable channel and she was flawless. The board made cuts, but none in the music program.

We badly need good teachers and I find it very annoying that we pay them so poorly. Is it more important to watch a multi-million-dollar athlete or have a good teacher? I'll take the teacher every time. In my not-very-humble opinion, we have our priorities badly screwed up and we are paying for it every day.

Oops, there I was on a soapbox again.  :-[


Quote from: kdfrawg on June 14, 2007, 09:22:00 PM

Oops, there I was on a soapbox again.  :-[

We have a thread started for that too.. called Soap Box Day... but I'll change it to being Soap Box Any Day!  lol
Cause if we only have one day to use it, ................well hell I have forgot my mad by the end of the week if I get mad on Monday..  :P

So feel free to use it anytime of day or night!

And if your daughter loves to climb and ski... then Colorado is a perfect place for her.
I wish her all the luck in the world..and I wish you and her mama all the luck too in keeping your lips sealed.. lol
Well Behaved Women Rarely Make History !


Okay, I read my way through the Roll Call tonight and now I think I understand more about why I like this forum. I seem to have something in common with pretty much everybody here: a place, a hobby, a time, something. That means a lot. Just a few examples:

I met my wife on the Internet. - I lived just North of Austin for a year. - I spent most of my life in the computer business. - I have a great pet, Tucker the Weird Dawg, a rescue dog from the National Springer Spaniel Rescue Organization. - A lot of people here have been self-employed a lot of the time. - And a lot of other little things.

I love coincidences.   ;D


Quote from: kdfrawg on June 14, 2007, 10:27:53 PM

I love coincidences.   ;D

NO such creature as coincidences~!
There is a reason and a planned purpose for every single thing that we do every single minute of this particular lifetime on earth.
God just doesn't toss us down here to fly by the seat of our pants you know!!~  ;)

No~~~ you were supposed to be here ... new friends in new places..

Maybe you came here for much as you came here for you~~
Well Behaved Women Rarely Make History !

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