Started by Teresa, May 05, 2007, 10:23:49 PM

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Lol, naw I just lead a boring life ::)
Being Irish, he had an abiding sense of tragedy, which sustained him through temporary periods of joy.
William Butler Yeats

James Frawner

Hi Bill- My name is James Frawner and I know some of my kin were in Elk Falls way back when.I know the Garrett and Frawner names are connected. My sister in law Jill is also doing some geneology and has the Frawner name back to Maryland in the 1690's. She still has some blank areas to fill and you might be able to help.If you get some time and are willing to, can you e-mail me at and I will put you two in touch. I am sure she will be more then happy to share what she has too. Thanks James



While we're talking about the different aspects of the forum on another thread, I've been wondering a question for quite some time in regards to THIS thread...
Why do we have a separate Roll Call thread that people have to post the FYI about themselves on?  Is there a reason why we don't have them just post a reply to Wilma's Wonderful Welcome threads that she does whenever a new member joins?  I would think it would be easier to find out about someone by searching those threads rather than the 453 (now 454) posts on this one?
Again, NOT complaining; just curious.  Since curiosity kills the cat, I'm sure I've been through at least 2 cats' 9 lives by now... just this week!  (I was actually trying to find out something about another member who joined before I did and was having problems finding the info... except searching through this thread!)


 :) Because when I started this we didn't have the welcome board thing like it is now...and instead of someones bio being lost in the posts and original thought was for it to be in one place and in one drawer in the dresser so to speak.

I know it is a 'lost in the shuffle" kind of thing ..but when it gets to be so tends to get lost and takes some time to go back and hunt and find.
I too have had to go back and thumb through posts to find information.

There is the search bar at the top of the page. If you just type in the persons will bring up all the posts that that word ..phrase or name is in.
I use it all the time .

(whew... you still have a life left out of the 9 Tobina)  :D
Well Behaved Women Rarely Make History !


OK, I see.  I have used the search, but sometimes it's way too broad when searching someone who posts a LOT. 
Teresa just follows me around the forum and saves my collective cat curiosity lives.  Too bad for you... one life saved is another curiosity question later!   ;D


Tobina, I have wondered that myself and am glad Teresa answered it as I didn't know the answer either.  Whoever does the first welcome message should ask the party to go to the roll call, but I can't seem to remember to do that.  Maybe I could ask them to do that or to just simply add it to the welcome message.  I would like to know more about new members and some of the older members.  Not all of the older members have welcome messages, though.


I guess I'm just too linear in my thinking.  I think it would be easier to get to know the person and pose questions about them on the welcome thread.  That way, if we forget who they are or what they do for a living, we can go back to that thread that is named "Welcome Member #XXX: Tobina Norris".  But I understand why the Roll Call was started now, though.  After looking back through it... it was for all members who were already on the forum to chime in on themselves.  Instead of someone going back and making a Welcome thread for each person (come on, Teresa; that's just plain laziness!  ;)  ;)  ;) )
Just like the government... gotta question what they're doing and why or they'll make you conform to what THEY think!  (heheheheheheheeeee)   :-X


Lol, this is how bored I am today.......... Just thought I'd give yall some more info on the crazy thinkin chick you've all come to love or hate :P Don't remember what I said the last time so.... My moms Flo, I was born and raised in Severy, I live in Mo. now with husband Joe Cheever, daughter Ashley, assorted cats, horses and a wolf. I've been a construction worker for about 20 years, the last 7 hangin siding. I have 2 grown son's Josh and Lewis Watson, who live down here close. Two grandaughters and a grandson. Like Ma said I'm a freethinker :P in most areas of my life and I enjoy a good argument by which I mean debate ::) So that's me in a little bigger nutshell lol. I enjoy talkin and "debatin" with y'all ;D
Being Irish, he had an abiding sense of tragedy, which sustained him through temporary periods of joy.
William Butler Yeats

Rudy Taylor

Linear thinking, heh?

Is that anything like thinking horizontally?

It truly is "a wonderful life."

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