Started by Teresa, May 05, 2007, 10:23:49 PM

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Rudy Taylor

Knut ... welcome aboard.  You have such a fascinating story!  I'll look forward to your posts, and hope to meet you personally some day.

The old "radio man" comes out in me now.  "This is KNUT radio with studios in downtown Moline, Kansas."

See?  Your forum friends just won't leave you alone, will we?
It truly is "a wonderful life."


Hello Again!!!

I know I've been absent for a while, and I would love to tell you all something exciting, but it's been the same old stuff.  It rains all the time. We actually had some snow last Saturday and a little bit on Monday too. The kids are growing like weeds, and I'm going to have to buy each of them a new wardrobe pretty soon. My husband is still doing the 2 week on, 2 week off thing with the Airforce; and I still have the same old crummy job. Well, actually I think the last time I was on it wasn't all that crummy, but it has gotten so much worse. I would really like to quit and find something part time so I can be home when the kids get home from school, but I haven't put too much effort into that yet. I'll check in again soon!!!

Take Care,


dandymomma, it's good to hear from you!  It's easy for us all to get wrapped up in other areas of our lives and fade in and out for a bit.  When you are ready to find a better job schedule for you and your family, I hope you have great luck there.  I know that it's a strain to work and be "supermom" both, plus your husband's schedule must make some days pretty hectic!  Be sure to keep tabs on us here at the Forum and jump back in anytime you can...


Hello everyone,

I just found this forum a few days ago and signed up immediately(it is wonderful to have a forum of neighbors!) So, thought I would introduce myself before I started posting. My name is Babette Russell. My husband is Perry Russell. He is currently a deputy for Elk County. We actually live in Chautauqua County,in the Peru area. Perry just signed up to run for Sheriff here in Chautauqua County this year (the announcement is in the Sedan Times Star today!). I have never been part of a political campaign so this should be an interesting year! Perry is a Kimzey on his mothers side(His mother is Faith Kimzey Huddle) and his father is Roland Russell (brother of Noel) and he graduated from Elk County High School so, he has lots of ties to the area. I am originally an okie who is now a kansan, due to marriage, and loving it. I have met so many really wonderful people here! Perry and I each have 1 boy and 1 girl from previous marriages for a total of 4 grown children. We have been blessed so far with 3 adorable (see profile pic of 2) grandchildren. The best part of parenting is being a grandparent! We live on a small farm in the Peru area and have foundation bred Quarter Horses (8 currently), dogs(6), cats(3) and a flock of chickens. I have a tendency to be a homebody. It is not that I don't like people it is just that I have so much to do here that I don't get alot of time to socialize. But I love it when people drop in and say hello. They usually leave with a carton of fresh eggs from our chickens as I almost always have too many(eggs that is not friends, can't have too many friends)!  Perry and I share many interests including but not limited to: riding horses, food(me cooking it, him eating it!) reading, singing and lots of laughter at ourselves. We also share a love of God, family and friends. Ok so now that I have introduced myself and told you way more than you ever really wanted to know about us, LOL, I will go on about my business and look forward to getting to know ya'll as I read more posts and start really posting myself. Ya'll have a lovely evening.
The test of a man's character is not what he does in public but what he does when no one is looking.-author unknown
My job is to be the best me that I can be for myself and the glory of God.
-M. Scott Peck


Lol, I hadnever read this before didn't know what it was! Guess I oughta give my in a nutshell, I'm Pam Smith watson Cheever. My mom is Flo. I was born and raised in Severy, actually I was born in Winfield but you know what I mean ::). I graduated West Elk in 77, I'm 48, live in the boonies in Missouri now. My sons graduated West Elk, Josh whos 28, and Lewis27,  I have a daughter Ashley 16, 1 grandson and 2 granddaughters. Except for a couple stints in factories I've been a construction worker most of my adult life, lately layed off on account of the housing bust :P I'm a student of yoga and  alternative medicine and gettin back to basics. I really enjoy lively debate and value other peoples perspectives. Mom talked me into lookin the forum up and I'm glad she did ;)
Being Irish, he had an abiding sense of tragedy, which sustained him through temporary periods of joy.
William Butler Yeats


Geez, I didn't even say anything about my husband :P He's Joe Cheever, his mom Sue VanBuskirk lived next to granma and granpa Smith and then Mom and Dad when we moved out there after granpa passed away. I thought he was a little shit when we were growin up lol. Just goes to show you never know. He's a house framer and he's still workin steady so there's hope for me I reckon lol
Being Irish, he had an abiding sense of tragedy, which sustained him through temporary periods of joy.
William Butler Yeats


Bette, Peru Kansas is famous for the birthplace of Barack Obama's Grandmother.

Bonnie M.

Pam, your picture is very nice.  Thanks for adding it.


Welcome to our forum Bette.  Glad to have you on board!

Bonnie M.

"Peru Kansas is famous for the birthplace of Barack Obama's Grandmother."

Frank (Or Myrna,) I can't find any information on where she was born.  How did you find that information?


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