Started by Teresa, May 05, 2007, 10:23:49 PM

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Rudy Taylor

I just got in and saw the responses to my "swinging bride."  LOL!  I'd say it was the
dirty ol' man comin' out in me.

Good grief.

It truly is "a wonderful life."

Diane Amberg

 See Rudy, I can behave if I have too.

Rudy Taylor

I was just thinking to myself, "Diane surely is being quiet tonight."
It truly is "a wonderful life."

Diane Amberg

 Shhh, I've been skulking around the new poetry site. ;)

Carol (aka Nana 02)

I agree with you dandymomma,  I also do not live in the area anymore but I will always think of Longton as where I grew up and where I am now from. I dont know of the local happenings around there but still love to read about it, it brings back alot of memories. But I do have to honestly say that I have know desire to ever live there again, I have now made my home in Southwest MO. for the past 26yrs. and cant imagine living any where else but here!!  But as I said I love to get on here & read all about it! One more thing to add.... I never know when to use know or NO so excuse my grammer!!! My daughter is always on to me about it !!


Hi guys.

Sorry I haven't been around as much. I changed my hours at work so that I could get Andy off to school and I've been busy re-decorating my bedroom little by little for the past week, maybe two.

I sewed my curtains, made my own floral arrangements (slilk/plastic so they won't die on me), hung pictures, got new end tables, cute bedside lamps, and even cleaned out my closet. I got rid of 5 garbage bags full of clothes.

After I finish putting together a "story hour" for my kids, I want to start working on a slide show of places around here to show you guys.  It'll be a couple of weeks before I get to that though, cause I have to get over this cold that I have so that my voice doesn't sound froggy on the recordings I'm doing for the kids' show.

Well, I've been informed that dinner is done, so I better go before it's gone!!!

Talk to ya'll later!!!

Diane Amberg

How did you know dinner was ready? Did your smoke detector go off? ;D ;D ;D


No!!! LOL

My husband grilled steaks tonight.

Diane Amberg

When my husband grills out on the deck and the breeze is just right, the smoke has been known to set off the one at the top of the basement stairs, if I've forgotten to close the door tight.


I have been procrastinating about getting this done, so here goes.  My name is Larry Jordan and I live in southern California east of Los Angeles.  My mother was Iva Jane Andrews who was one of the sisters featured in the 1921 photo of four sisters graduating high school.  According to my Aunt Mary Ellen Snodderley, they all graduated at the same time.

I was born in New Mexico and lived in Colorado and Wyoming before moving to California in 1965.  Uncle Sam caught up with me and sent me off to the army for two years.  I returned to California and worked in various menial jobs until I started working for the Los Angeles Times as a pressman.  After 34 years, I retired rather than accept the changes that were coming to my job.  I thought I was going to be in hog heaven with all my free time.  However, my wonderful granddaughter was born just before I retired and so my baby sitting chores doubled from one day a week to two.  My "honey-dew" list expanded beyond belief.  I still manage to read quite a bit.  My wife still works for the county of Los Angeles so we don't travel much.  We do enjoy a weekend here and there along the coast. 

I have lots of memories of being at my Grandmother's house in Howard.  I had lots of cousins around and aunts and uncles galore.  My mother and I would stay for the summer and then go whereever she could get a teaching job.  I baled a lot of hay in those days!  I couldn't get in trouble because everyone knew who I was and if there was a problem it was reported to my Grandmother right away.  Her name was Edith Andrews and lived on Pennsylvania due west of downtown.  When I last visited there in 2002, I saw that the house was no longer there, although the little shed that the Redmond twins lived in was still there. 

Larry Jordan
HELP!  I'm talking and I can't shut up!

I came...  I saw...  I had NO idea what was going on...

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