Started by Teresa, May 05, 2007, 10:23:49 PM

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sorry Diane, the only latin I speak is pig latin.

Diane Amberg

    Latin's a dead language
    as dead as dead can be
    It killed off all the Romans
    and now it's killing me!


I took two years of Latin in high school and when I finally got to Rome I was really bummed out that all the Latin speakers had died.


Diane Amberg

  Latin was more useful than I ever thought it would be. But igpay atinlay was more fun. O.K. all you new folks, I have to go do my civic duty at the fire station, so somebody take my place this evening and keep Mr.Frawg, Darla, Flo, Wilma,and all the rest occupied and entertained. See Ya!!!  :angel:


Be Safe. ;)  And we're  reallyyyy good at entertaining ourselves ::) ::)
No act of kindness, no matter how small,
is ever wasted.

Rudy Taylor

I concur with frawg about never thinking he would make it to 30. I became an editor at 24 and immediately grew a mustache, sported a kick-in-the-pants cap and smoked a pipe loaded with Ed's Double A-1 Burly Cut Amomatic Plug. I wore a cardigan sweater like the old guys wore and wrote editorials about the perils of following FDR's Deal deal programs.

And now that I'm the old gent I once tried to be, I'm nothing like I thought I might be at this age. Of course, lots of muscles and bones scream at me when I try to do a 20-year-old's work. But I've found that keeping a young mind is paramount to keeping a positive spirit, although I'm not sure I've succeeded at that last one.  You'd have to ask my wife, Kathy, about it.

My political philosphy has found home in the middle ground. My religious persuasions are firm but quite tolerant of what others believe. And my optimism about America, small towns and loving today better than yesterday all are elixirs that keep my blood circulating, my heart beating fast and my face turned toward the east in anticipation of what the Good Lord has in store for me someday.

When my mother died at age 84, a friend told me at the funeral, "She was such a sweet, little old lady." I immediately said, "That's because she once was a sweet little young lady."

OK, so this is too serious. But I always urge people to stay involved with children and young adults. Listen to their ideas. Encourage them. Tell them you understand what they're going through. It will keep your motor running so very smoothly.

Does everybody remember Rose Nix Leo? What a sweet little young lady!
It truly is "a wonderful life."


Flo, I've wondered about Nighswonger too!  He had an unusual personality!  He did let me borrow the electric typewriter some as it was his personal one and I had that bad arm in high school from being in that wreck.  I'm so grateful for electric typewriters that came along and now the computers!  Sure makes life easier!

Speaking of teachers, wonder where Mr. Barker is?  He was a great math teacher, but I have to admit that Mr. and Mrs. Mayginnes were a couple of my favorite people.  I used to get a Christmas card from them long after I was out of school.  Remember they talked about their daughter Ina Rue?  I always that that was such an unusual name.



What was this Nighswonger's first name?  I know a Nighswonger owned some land in Union Center Twp. at one time.  I can't think of the name now but if someone said it, I would know.


maybe 50 years ago I knew his first name, but all we ever called him was Mr. Nighswonger.  I looked in my year book and that's what is beside his picture, just Mr.  - Mr. Barker, I have no idea, and yes Mr. Mayginnis was a great principal and teacher as well.  Remember our "nickname" for him?  I was caught saying it one time, not knowing he had walked up behind me.  Didn't get into trouble, tho.  Teachers had a sense of humor back then and saved the punishment for more severe happenings, of which there were very few as I remember. 


Rudy Taylor---I so much agree with your philosophy/advice to stay involved with young children and young adults.  To listen to them and let them share their ideas with you, while encouraging them along the way.  I find that by doing that, my life has become so much more full and meaningful.  And at the same time---helps me maintain a "younger spirit".   

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