Started by Teresa, May 05, 2007, 10:23:49 PM

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hello and welcome richardgibbs.  I was secretary at the Severy Elementary when you were employed by the district.  And Lewis and I just lived across the pasture from Cole and Jeannie.  I'm widowed and live in Howard, now, however do still stop at Tripco on a regular basis.  Glad to have you a part of the forum.  Keep those posts coming and join our fun family. by the way, I'm Florene Smith.


Well I finally have a little time so I guess I will introduce myself again. My name is Anettia, my parents were Delbert and Loretta Riggs. I know that my sister Theresa and daughter Amber have already said a few things about who we are related to in Howard and in an earlier post I said some about it also, so I will skip that part. I live in Florida, a very long way from my family who I miss. My husband Mike and I moved here about 8 years ago. We have 4 children between us. Amber and Trevor live in Washington state and Clinton and Travis live in Georgia. Clinton and Travis are in the service. Clinton has done 2 tours in Iraq and Travis just got back from his first tour. I have two beautiful grandchildren, (thank you Amber) and I have a grand dog. We have been married for 18 years. My husband and I have two harleys and we also run. He started running about 3 years ago and I just started a year ago. He has ran in several marathons (26.2 miles)  and I only do half marathons (13.1 miles) I have no desire to run 26 miles. I started running to take off some weight. I have lost a total of over 100 pounds. I work in a Dr's office and my husband is in construction.I always loved going to Howard on vacation. I really like the small town. Actually the town I live in now is small, but not as small as Howard.   I guess that is about it, except I would like to say that I am really enjoying this forum. Just reading some of the post and the way you all tease each other really makes me smile! I am looking forward to many more smiles!
"The will to win means nothing if you haven't the will to prepare."

Jo McDonald

I can hardly contain my smiles when I read the posts that are coming our way--via the forum.  You know, it is so wonderful just to to know how many people seem to long for the chance to communicate with others and find this forum th perfect outlet for that.
Richard Gibbs -- I think you and I shared our daughters, don't you???? Teresa and Barbie  were
Joined at the hip" through high school --- sometimes good -- some times bad... but joined just the same.  Welcome to the front porch of rural  America !!!


Good morning again, ....  :-\ still morning for 5 more minutes.  Had an e-mail from my sister-in-law asking about the Howard forum I was always mentioning so sent her the info and we will probably have another new member.  She was Sherry Smith now Sherry Skidmore.  Some of you will remember her.  We'll wait and see.

Janet Harrington

I remember her.  She was in Jimmie Ann's class.

Bonnie M.

I'm not sure I'm doing this right!  If not, I'm sure I can get some help out there somewhere!  I do know a lot of you people who are posting on this Forum.  It's interesting to read all about what's going on, and, like all of you, I truly did appreciate the up-to-date postings during the floods, and the fire.

I can't write "all about me" in just a few words, so I'll just say that I lived the first 56 years of my life in Kansas, and the last 20 years in California, so, now, you can pretty well figure out my age!  The three children that Bob and I have are Cathy, Karen and Mark, and through a LOT of years, they were active in 4-H, sports, Church, and just about anything and everything that ever went on in the County, and, especially, in Longton, as that is where they all attended school for 12 years.  I was pretty much always right along side each of them, lots of miles traveled, lot of great times!  I worked at Union Gas System, Inc., in Independence for 23 years, before we made the big move to Escondido, CA.  Cathy graduated from Wichita State U., Karen from Kansas State and Mark from the University of Kansas, THEN, they all moved "away."  Bob spent a lot of years farming, raising cattle, and driving the Foremost Milk truck.  My parents were Ben and Ruby Truitt.  Daddy was an avid sportsman, and anyone who is "old enough," would probably remember him.  Mother was "everything," and lived the last four years of her life out here with us.  When she passed away, a years and a half ago, at the age of 101, our "first call" following her death was to Lloyd Zimmerman, and he took care of EVERYTHING, regarding her funeral.  He was wonderful!

We moved out to California to be close to our daughter, Cathy, her husband and family.  We were lucky to have our daughter, Karen, and her husband and family move out to this area a dozen years ago.  They are moving back to Illinois though, soon, to be closer to their two older daughters, and their one grandson.  Our son, Mark and his family live in Duluth, GA.  I worked at the Wild Animal Park as an Administrative Assistant for almost 20 years.  A great job, and a great place to work!  We are very involved with the Emmanuel Faith Community Church here in Escondido, and take a lot of trips with the Senior group.  We are also very involved with family events, and love living where we can see them.  (Well, 2 out of 3!)  We do get to see Mark fairly often.  We have a good life, and we're very happy, HOWEVER, our heart is always with our Kansas friends, and we go back there a LOT!  Theresa, Bob and I were visiting back there and got to attend your Mother and Dad's 50th. wedding anniversary.  We've been friends with Jo and Fred for over 60 years!  In August of 2008, Bob and I will celebrate our 60th. wedding anniversary.  How about that!

Bonnie Mustoe

Jo McDonald

Hi Bonnie....I wish you could see the grin on my face when I saw that you had posted.
Yes everyone, Bonnie and Bob,  Fred and I have been friends FOREVER  We went to school together - Bonnie dated Fred ( until she and I and Jeanne all three traded boyfriends.  That is really the truth - we were all dating- Jeannie was dating Lynn Wolfe..I was dating Laverne Boswell and Bonnie was dating Fred..Jeannie wated Laverne - Bonnie wanted Lynn and I wanted Fred.  Poor guys, never had a chance!!
 It is wonderful  to have good friends like Bonnie and Bob for so many years.  Hope to see more posts from you, my friend!!

Rudy Taylor

Welcome, Bonnie. You'll enjoy getting to know lots of folks from your home county, as well as many others who have Elk County connections. Browse often! Post every day!
It truly is "a wonderful life."

Bonnie M.

Hi, Jo!  And, Hi, Judy, and, "Hi" to the rest of you that I know.  And, Rudy, I feel like we're "old friends," as we enjoy the paper so much, and I've sent you "things" at different times to "put in the paper."  I know that everyone who receives the paper is very thankful that there continues to be a "Flint Hills News."  We read it from cover to cover.  Gotta hurry along this morning.  Have a good day!

Judy Harder

Quote from: Bonnie M. on July 09, 2007, 09:16:52 AM
Hi, Jo!  And, Hi, Judy, and, "Hi" to the rest of you that I know.  And, Rudy, I feel like we're "old friends," as we enjoy the paper so much, and I've sent you "things" at different times to "put in the paper."  I know that everyone who receives the paper is very thankful that there continues to be a "Flint Hills News."  We read it from cover to cover.  Gotta hurry along this morning.  Have a good day!

Bonnie, I am just pleased as punch you got on here..........I know you stay busy, but for a lot of us the site has become addictive...........enjoy reading who did what and when..........and always get tickled when these people start yanking each others tails.....(funny-bones).
So again welcome and COME ON IN....Hugs and God bless, Judy I don't think I did this right.......but brain doesn't want to fuss take me as I come..........I mean well.........LOL
Today, I want to make a difference.
Here I am Lord, use me!

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