Started by Teresa, May 05, 2007, 10:23:49 PM

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Jo McDonald

Wayne, Fred and I were so sorry to read of Doris's passing.  Please tell your brothers and sisters we send our sympathy to all of you.
Love and Prayers
Jo and Fred

  Sounds like you have done more than very well for yourself ----Congratulations.  So nice to read your post.

Diane Amberg

Hi to all, I was asked to tell about myself, so here goes. Yes, I am Lyle Amberg's oldest daughter... been married to Alan Silverman for 37 years. We recently retired. Al from the New Castle County Delaware Land Use Planning Dept. And I from teaching for 41 years....elementary school and fire service exting. use, fire safety and EMT classes etc. We rode the Aetna Hose, Hook and Ladder Co. ambulance (Newark Delaware) for a very long time. I'm not very good on the computer and I'm a poor typist, so bear with me. Daddy was from Howard and Mom was from Horton. They went to KU. I would have been from Kansas too but WWII got in the way. Daddy came to Del. to work for Hercules and they stayed. I remember visiting in the 50's when Howard was bigger and busier. My grandparents and Uncle Teddy are there at the cemetery and also Bill Denton, extended family. We have been back from time to time over the years. I remember Toots very well....and the staff from Twilight Manor that were all so good to my grandmother. Any questions? Diane


Welcome Diane, I've enjoyed getting to know your family through my communications with Carol. This forum is truly an amazing place. Glad you are here.
Check out my family history Website


I am Amber Alexander of Tacoma, WA. My grandparents were Delbert and Loretta Riggs, my Great Grandmother was Mae Riggs. Anettia is my mom, Theresa is my aunt.

I have been married for 7-1/2 years. I have a 7 year old son, Andy and a 4 year old daughter, Natalie. I work for a sheet metal manufacturer as an Assistant Customer Service Manager, and have been with them for 5 years. My husband is in the Airforce and is actually in Germany right now. Luckily, he is usually only gone for 10 days at a time, then he comes home for a week or two and then leaves again. We've been doing this rotation for the last 4 years. (maybe even longer) This fall he will be looking for a civilian job. It's going to be a challenge for him to do 9 to 5 every day. It'll be a big change.

I look forward to getting to know everyone!!!


Rudy Taylor

I need to meet Debbie Lane.

We don't meet many true journalists in Elk County.

Don't worry, Debbie.  I'm not an axe murderer.  Besides, my wife keeps a careful eye on me. Why --- I do not know.  A 61-year-old editor is harmless.
It truly is "a wonderful life."


Debbie Lane...
That would be our own Mom70x7..
Well Behaved Women Rarely Make History !


Yep - that's me.

I definitely would NOT call me a true journalist.  :)

I'm on the Communications Advisory Council at West Elk, for the journalism courses, et al., so the next time we have a meeting, we can meet.  :D

What else do you need?   What have I done?  ???   :o

[size=08pt](BTW - editors are NOT ever harmless.  :D   :D   :D   They can make or break a story, a newspaper, a book - and even a web site / forum. Kjell and Teresa do a GREAT job of editing [monitoring] this forum.)


Quote from: Teresa on May 05, 2007, 10:23:49 PM
It's Roll Call time for all members.

What we would like for you to do is to write and tell everyone else all about you and your family and your pets or whatever you want your forum friends to know. But I think that we can safely say that we are more than forum friends.
We are kind of like family...........
Since most of us know each other or know someone who is kin to you... that makes us more than forum friends.

So don't be shy... Post away and let's all get reacquainted!

((I'll send out a newsletter when I get home Sunday evening and we will see how many out there we can get to come in and say "Hi".)).

hi:    daughter, Jeannie Conard, told me of this site.    i am Richard Gibbs a guidance counselor  in
the 70s.    moved from there to Vermillion Kansas as a supt of schools.   always ask Jeannie about a lot of you guys.    we are snowbirds and go to California every winter.    we go to slab city, which is free camping and if any of you are interested just contact me and i will tell you all about it.    would
love to hear from former students and friends.    hi Teresa!!!!


hi again:   think i messed up.   am richard gibbs and was guidance counselor for the district back in the 70s.   four of my children went to school in the district,,,jeannie, tom, donald and barbie.     love the e mails and write my kids every day.   have their e mail addresses if any of you are interested.    loving retirement and being a snobird.   health is great so far and can do about whatever i want.    think of many of you guys often.


Hi Richard...glad to hear you are healthy and happy.  I see that Jeannie is a member now also so welcome to her also.  I am Sherri McDonald Mills Wilder...I was in the same class as Donald.  Had a lot of fun playing as a kid.  I would love to have his email address to just say hi.  So welcome again and so glad that you have joined the forum.

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