Started by Teresa, May 05, 2007, 10:23:49 PM

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Well, the rain seems to have slowed down here in B'ville, but, I guess I'll go ahead and "sign in" as I haven't been here for awhile, and I didn't fully answer everyone last year when I signed in.  I think enough time has passed to go ahead and write things...was trying to be respectful of some relatives' wishes.

I'm Rita Gail (Crowell) Burleson, the only child of Olin Frank Crowell (died last August) and Sharon Fern (Reynolds) Crowell.  My grandparents were Charlie and Anna (Guenther) Crowell, and Frank and Vi (Rothgeb) Reynolds  (Grandma Vi is still alive, bless her).

The reason I didn't fully write last Fall was because, not sure how to say this briefly and respectfully, let's just say my parents and I were estranged.  My mother has declared me "dead" and that I'm not me, that I'm an imposter.  She even went so far as to have "Parents of Rita Gail Crowell 1961-1978" carved on the tombstone.

It's a mess.

ANYway.......I'm living down here in Bartlesville (OK) with my husband Lynn.  We have 2 grown sons, 1 in Okie City who is married with a little girl and a baby on the way, 1 son who lives way up in Minnesota.  I don't get see the kids very much, and not having any other family around gets lonely.

I visit the tree planted in honor of my dead cousin Jenell (O'Mara) Van Poollen Boorigie on her birthday and the anniversary of her death, to keep her memory alive.  It's at Wesleyan University here in B'ville.

Not much else.  Can you tell the rains have me more gloomy than usual?

Oh, I'm a member of the local art association.  I also do our church's weekly bulletin.  And, I've got some mild autism (Asperger's) but it's combined with giftedness and being an only child, so sometimes I'm just a nut and sometimes I'm too sensitive and sometimes I'm a complete grump....and I ALWAYS WORRY!

8)  ;D  :o


Janet Harrington

Well, RitaGail, we are glad that you are here.  Of course, the names Crowell and Rothgeb are names that I know, but I don't believe that I know your mother, Sharon Crowell.

As for you being estranged from your mother, I believe that is her loss.  Maybe someday things will change, but if not, it doesn't.

Now, as for being just a nut, well, we all are crazy on here.  ha ha

As for your cousin, Jenell O'Mara Boorigie, I remember that case very well.  When that happened, I sure wished that we had the death penalty back then.

Back to saying, welcome, and thanks for posting about yourself.

Jo McDonald

I am constantly being amased at all the post that are on this forum and all the people mentioned that are the families  of you all.  First -- Cathy mentioned that she had an aunt and uncle  Anna and Spot Fiscus --- unbelievabele--- they are also my Aunt and Uncle.  Spot and my Mother Thelma Fiscus Workman were brother and sister.  Now here I read from this post about Mae Riggs --- She is one of the very first ladies that I remember knowing -- She attended my birth.  Delbert and Loretta were friends of mine -- I grew up with Delbert and Emerald.  Even though they were older -- friends in that era were treated and loved as family.   Now it is time to read about Vi Rothgeb Reymols  ---- I went to school in Longton - and knew Vi very wery well -- she was also a friend of my Mother.  Is this a small world, or what?  And of course there is Darla -- my second cousin that I have not seen for about 6 years, but would love to see again.
  I am so dumbfounded and so very, very happy that this forum has brought so many, many of us into full circle-
  Blessing to all of you.

Janet Harrington

Quote from: Jo McDonald on July 01, 2007, 08:58:10 PM
I went to school in Longton - and knew Vi very wery well -- she was also a friend of my Mother. 

Uh, Jo. very, wery well?[/b]  Sounds like Freddy Fudd is around somewhere.  ROMFLOL

You know me.  The spelling perfectionist.  ha ha  Your typo did make me laugh.


AHA, I knew I was right, that Spot Fiscus and Edna Palmer were siblings.  My memory ain't so bad for an old person.  We lived next door to Edna in Severy and Spot was janitor at the school when my kids were little.

Jo McDonald

There were 7 siblings in the Fiscus family.
Uncle Spot was janitor in the schools when I was in the second grade --- Oh how I loved him and Aunt Anna -- Aunt Edna and Uncle Earl -- cousin Gene -- cousin Minta Virginia - Cousin Carroll Lenord - Uncle Harold's son and Mama and Daddy had we three  Jack, Helen and myself.  Aunt Gladys - Aunt Zona and Uncle Forest had no children.  They all treated the six of us like we were made of gold, and of course we thought we were too    hahahahahaha
One day at school Uncle Spot picked me up and opened the furnace door - and pretended that he was going to throw me in the fire and I was scared out of my wits -- started crying at the top of my lungs and he sat down and held me and kissed and kissed me and told me how much he loved me and that he would never ever hurt me -- but I'm telling you I thought my days were at the firey end.  He talked about that for years and had never forgiven himself.  Bless his heart.  He was wonderful!!!

Jo McDonald

welllllllllllllllllllllllllllll   I didn't know you were a perfectionist !!!  Jeepers  we can learn something every day .   hahahahahahahahaha  Janet - you are welcome for the laugh I gave you -- In fact you are "WERY VELCOME"   tee hee

Rudy Taylor

I'm Rudy Taylor, 61, married to Kathy, my high school sweetheart and wife of 42 years. We publish smalltown newspapers in seven communities including Elk County (the Flint Hills Express).

Our home is in Caney and we operate our newspapers mostly by long-distance using the internet. The Flint Hills Express actually is managed by our daughter, Jenny Taylor Diveley who works out of her home-office in Independence. That way, she can keep an eye on their two-year-old son, Trent, as she works. Many of you probably deal with Jenny on a regular basis.

There's nothing impressive about me --- seldom get out of the area because of our newspapers. I compare us with being dairy farmers. Our son, Andy Taylor, is our editor in Montgomery County and he also covers sports at West Elk and Elk Valley High. If you've seen him, you've seen me --- same chubby profile, same bumbling, near-sighted habits, same zeal to get the story. But don't tell him he looks like me. It's his least favorite thing to hear.

We have three children: Matt Taylor, Holton, Kan., who is a banker; married to Paula, three children, Ryan, Carson and Amanda;  Andy, Independence, married to Amy, parents of a red-haired little girl, Lillie; and Jenny, wife of Landon Diveley, parents of two-year-old Trent.

I've been an editor for 37 years and my wife has spent her entire lifetime working for the newspaper which previously was owned by her parents. Her grandfather and great-grandfather also were Kansas newspaper editors.  That makes Andy and Jenny fifth general editors --- the only ones in Kansas.

Ok, this is getting boring.

My biggest thrill in recent years was penning a new book, "Light On Main Street --- Storytelling by a Country Newspaper Editor," and I'm still marketing it.  I also do radio commercials and voice-overs, pulling in experience I gained while working as a young man in the broadcasting industry.

Kathy and I like to work in the yard. Sounds crazy, but I'm my happiest when riding my little lawn tractor. It's my refuge from the world.  We attend the Tyro Christian Church and love to listen to gospel music. I also like classical music and all other types as long as they don't jar my eardrums.

I'm a mellow guy.

I love small towns and the folks who live in them.  And, I'm crazy about Elk County, even though I seldom get to spend much time there. You have the most fascinating people!

Stay you! The world could take notes from the way you all go about your daily lives.
It truly is "a wonderful life."

Wayne Barnaby

Hello! I was raised in Howard and graduated from North Elk in 1973. Went to college at Boise State and got a degree in Chemistry. Got a degree in Mechanical Engineering from Wichita State. Worked for Boeing and lived in Winfield. Worked for Grumman on Long island. Moved to Tennessee
in 1985 to work for Boeing as a Job shopper.Started Tennessee oil in 1986. Sold the company in 2003 with 10 stores and 55 employees. I am retired now and a single parent. My son Levi is 18 and just graduated from high school. I have 2 Harleys, A Road King and a V-Rod, I love to ride and travel. I build computers and write programs for the Free to Air Satelite community. I look forward to seeing everybody that I grew up with. Teresa has done a fine job! Marty told me about your site. Thanks! Wayne Barnaby


Wayne---I was so sorry to hear about the death of your mother, Doris.  She was a neat lady and very close to me and my husband, Joe.  He did all sorts of odd jobs for her and absolutely loved her.  She lived across the street from my parents while here in Howard,as you may well remember.  Now she is resting comfortably and she and my husband are catcing up on all the news of yesteryear. Welcome to the forum.  Again my sympathies to you for your loss.

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