Pics Taken in Early 1900s

Started by genealogynut, April 28, 2007, 01:29:55 PM

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These pictures are the courtesy of Jo Anne Clevenger.  Thanks, JoAnne!

This first one was taken during the Flower Parade festivities, 1904.  There are other pictures that were taken of the Flower parades, in other years, that are in the Elk County History book, page 85.

The second picture doesn't have any date on it, or what the occasion was, but I am going to guess it was a Street Fair of some sort, by looking at the picture on page 85 of the Elk County History book, on the upper left corner, and then comparing this picture.  In this picture, we could see a sign on a store front that read "F. L. Dobyns & Co."  So we definitely know it's of main street in Howard.

This next picture is definitely taken at Fiat, Kansas.  It is similar to the one on page 120 of the Elk County History book.  When Don & I seen it, we knew right away where it was taken.

Last, is a picture of the James Crismas farm, that was east of Howard on the old Busby Road.


Here are a couple more pics that are being submitted by JoAnne.  (wouldn't it be fantastic if others would dig their old pictures out, that pertain to Elk County, and share them on this forum!!!!!!!!)  Thanks again, Jo Anne.

This next picture was on the back of a postcard, and later submitted  to the Wichita Eagle-Beacon by Joanne Clevenger, and included was a short article.  The pic is of students attending the one-room Pleasant Hill School at Painterhood Township near Howard around 1903.  Standing in the doorway with the teacher was Clarence Crismas, who died at the age of 95 in 1986 .

Second picture- on the back of the picture is written, "Tom Thumb Wedding" with Hattie (Davis) Crismas and Geo Christy in Howard, Kansas.  JoAnne wrote " Geo Christy lived next door to my mother.  Doesn't he look thrilled?  His Dad was a blacksmith in early day Howard."

P.S.  Great pictures, Jo Anne!!


These are posted on Joanne's behalf.  They are a couple of picture postcards that were taken at the Howard Fair, and the date on one of them says 1911.  Nothing else is known.

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