Local and Personal Column (October 27, 1927)

Started by genealogynut, April 28, 2007, 11:03:12 AM

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Howard Courant
October 27, 1927

Hudson Fuhrer of Moline, was in town one afternoon recently.

N. G. Harris shipped two cars of hogs to Kansas City Tuesday.

E. R. Perkins brought in two cars of cattle from Wichita Monday.

Geo. S. Jones of Rt. 1, took a load of fat cattle to the K. C. market Monday.

A daughter was born to Mr. and Mrs. Jess Ingle, of Howard, October 26, 1927.

Sam Ray of Greenfield, was here yesterday, buying some fine cows and calves at the Gibbon sale.

Ira Bone of Longton, was up to Howard yesterday, looking in on the big cattle sale of Gibbons and Son.

Pete Brand, of Joplin, was here a day or two on business matters, last week, and made The Courant a pleasant call.

And still the beautiful fall weather continues, warm and clear.  However, it is getting quite dry, and a moderte rain would be welcome.

It's not long till Christmas.  See our line of gifts and leave orders for fancy work and paintings.--Ruth Whitsitt and Mabel Davis, Phone 269.

The Pittsburg S. T. C. Gorillas will play real football against the College of Emporia at Emporia tomorrow. A number of Howard fans are planning to attend.

Mrs. Ira (?) Knight and Mrs. O.V.(?) Ludvicksen of Severy were in Howard yesterday with the big sale crowd and did some shopping at the Vanity Box.

Frank Organ who has a traveling job with the State Banking Department has been in and around Howard several days recently.   Frank is looking fine.

Grant Christy of Red Cloud, Nebraska, visited with his brother, C. D. Christy in Howard over Sunday.  Mr. C. visited here once before about twelve years ago.

Dr. C. C. Cheney of Eureka motored down to Howard yesterday afternoon to look in on the Gibbon cattle sale.  Abe Steinberger came along with him, just for the ride.

H. S. Crosswhite, of the Kansas Gas & Electric Co., was in Howard with the Newollah Boosters, last Friday.  Mr. C. is always in the front row when there is any boosting to be done.

E. H. Cannon and family of Burden, visited Sunday with H. C. Richards and family.  Mr. Cannon was formerly Santa Fe Ry. agent in this city, but now holds that position at Burden.

Lincoln Strachan of Chicago, and Mrs. Margaret Auker of Wayne, Nebraska have arrived in Howard to attend the funeral of their brother, Lewis Strachan, which will be held this afternoon.

Tuesday was monthly auction and sales day.  The weather was good and quite a crowd  came to town.  The auction was rather better patronized than usual, but there was no special excitement in the mercantile sales.

E. C. Mullendore of Cleveland, Oklahoma and Ray Mullendore of Hominy, Oklahoma, came up to Howard yesterday to attend the James Barackman funeral and are visiting with D. L. Mullendore and family.

(Bottom of printed page)


Most of these tidbits that were printed, seem in today's society, pretty trivial.  I can just see the newspaper today, if I submitted things that I had done.  (Don and Lois visited in Howard with so-and-so, then they spent the afternoon taking pictures of tombstones, etc. :laugh: :laugh: then we patronized a few local businesses  :laugh:)  That seems to be rather dull, boring, and uninteresting.

The thoughts/opinions/attitude of today's society is "Who gives a frig?"  So I can understand why the newspapers are trying to get away from printing that sort of thing.

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