Local & Personal Column (June 16-1927)

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Howard Courant
June 16, 1927

C. B. Crawley and Ralph E. Dewey were in El Dorado on legal business last Saturday.

Success is built upon Trift--The Security Savings and Loan Association, E. S. LaMont, Secretary.

Raymond Redmond, who taught at Union Center the past year has gone to Emporia for the summer normal.

Does Howard want weekly band concerts this summer?  She can have them at a very low cost if she wants them.

A. H. Spray of Moline, and Robert Orr, Jr., Howard, have recently joined The Courant with new subscriptions.

Another soaking rain fell over this part of the country Sunday night, lasting till after daylight Monday morning.

Mr. and Mrs. Payton W. Anderson of Wichita, spent weekend in Howard, with the Dr. DePew family, returning to Wichita on Monday.

H. G. Zirn, who was ill with flu for some days, was able to be up around by the end of last week, and is now about as well as ever.

The American Legion Auxiliary will have a market and food sale at the Buel Printery, on Saturday morning, JUne 25th.  The patronage of the general public is solicited.

Tuesday was Flag Day, and every flag in Howard was thrown to the breeze.  Read the editiorial on Flad Day, in this paper, from the pen of Hon. Bill Morgan of the Hutchinson News.  It will tell you what Flag Day means.

Fred P. Myrick and Miss Opal Green, both of Independence were married the 7th inst. in that city, by pastor of the M. E. church.  The groom is a son of Mr. and Mrs. Geo. F. Myrick, formerly of the Chaplin neighborhood of this country.

Not a failure in Building & Loan Association in Kansas the past twenty-nine years.  Can you find any other form of investment with a better record that pays so large a return--The Security Savings and Loan Association, E. S. LaMont, Secretary.

Mrs. Frank R. Reid and the children, who spent two weeks in Kansas City visiting with Mrs. Reid's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Lew Roberts, returned home last Sunday.  Dr. Reid met them at Emporia with the auto and brought them home in the evening.

Among our recent subscription renewals are Mrs. Mary Shipman, Howard.  J. S. Beaty, Howard, Dr. S. R. Swan, Denver.  Ernest Nix, Rt. 2, Howard.  I.N. Rutherford, Baldwin, Kansas. Mrs. Mary E. Peterson, Howard. Mrs. Wm. Marrs, Rt.3, Howard.

Miss Clarice Hamar who has been teaching in the city school at LaMont, Mo., the past year, returned home to Howard last week, and will spend her summer vacation here. She will teach a class on piano, and the coming school year will teach in the Howard grade schools.

Fred Osborn and wife and son Charles started on a long trip to Texas last Monday.  Fred had a business trip for the oil company, and Mrs. O and Charles went along to keep from being lonesome while he was gone.  They will be gone about two weeks, and will likely go clear down to the Mexican line.

Joseph Gillen, age 40, was drowned in the Cottonwood near Cottonwood Falls, Sunday.  He was out on a fishing trip, and stepped into a deep hole while trying to catch frogs for bait.  He was unable to swim, and neither could the two other men with him,  Gillen was foreman for a contracting company and his home was at Eureka.

Robert J. Reid of Los Angeles, visited a couple of days and spent the weekend with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Geo. K. Reid, in Howard.  Rob had been back to New York on business for the company with which he is connected, and was on his way back to California.  He left for the West Monday morning.

Howard base ballists have organized a club, elected a manager and will hold strenous "rehearsals" two evenings a week.  They will  ask permission of the city council to play Sunday ball at Athletic Park.  For many years Howard has not had Sunday ball inside the corporate limits, as an ordinance was enacted against it.  How do you stand on Sunday baseball?

By a copy of the Hoaquim, Washinton Daily Washingtonian, of recent date, we see that Federal officer M. T. Ingle former Howard boy, and assistants gathered in nearly a hundred cases of bonded liquor from a Norwegian steamer in a wharf at Aberdeen, Washington, and the smugglers were arrested.  Mr. Ingle is an active and efficient sleuth when it comes to running down unlawful booze or narcotics.  A big per cent of the smugglers are Chinamen and they are very shrewd and hard to catch.

Dr. S. R. Swan formerly of Howard, but now of Denver, sends us his subscription renewal this week.  Dr. Swan now operated a creamery in Denver, and also a grocery establishment.  He tells us he will broadcast a musical program from the Associated Industries Station of that city, KFVR wave length 475   9-10. at 8 o'clock in the evening Denver time, of June 17th, and if any of his Howard friends wish to hear his voice in some male quartettes, he would be pleased to have them tune in.  while Dr. Swan was living in Howard, he was chorister of the M. E. church choir.

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