Howard High School

Started by Janet Harrington, April 24, 2007, 07:29:31 PM

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Janet Harrington

Does anyone have a picture of the Howard High School, the one that had the sliding tube fire escape?  I would really like to have a picture of the high school to put on 1972 class reunion invitations.  This was the high school that we attended and our graduation was held in the Severy gym.  If anyone has one, please e-mail it to me or put it on this forum.  I would appreciate it.

Janet Harrington

There is a picture of the high school in the Elk County History book, but it has a class standing in front of it and I don't think it is a very good picture.

Marcia Moore

Janet -
   It's not the best, but I have a real photo postcard of the Howard High School but can't seem to get it on the forum, so I will email it to you and then you can put it on the forum if you wish to.


If all else fails, use the picture of the brick!!

Janet Harrington

The picture that Marcia e-mailed me was perfect.  Jody, I couldn't use the brick because what I was doing was making invitations to North Elk 1972 class 35th reunion.  My class tries to have a reunion every 5th year, so this is the year.  I just needed a picture of the school to put on the invite.  When we graduated, the building was called North Elk High School.

If Marcia will okay it, I will put the picture she e-mailed me on the forum as it is a pretty cool picture with part of an old car in it.

Marcia Moore

Janet Harrington

Okay, kiddos.  Here is the picture of the Howard High School that Marcia e-mailed to me and I used it on the 1972 35th class reunion invitation.


Janet, I have a picture of Howard High School from around 1956 or one from the OLD HIGH HIGH SCHOOL, around 1906. I tried to post the one from 1956 but it said my file was to big. If you send me your e-mail address I can send it direct you or I will mail you a copy.
Frank Winn


My gosh that old picture brought back a huge flood of memories.
Wow.. I can look at each set of windows and have a full book of stories that goes with each classroom.
And the fire escape?
Let me tell you~~~
Barbie Gibbs and I were in band *which practiced in the mornings* .. The left set of windows on the 3rd floor was the band room.
Well, we wanted to skip out of the 2nd floor last hour study hall class early so we said we were going to go up to the 3rd floor band room and "practice".
We then had it planned that we would just crawl out the little window door ( which was on the south side of the room ) that put you right into the crawl opening of the slide down fire escape.

All went smoothly as planned. We went to our  lockers.. (which was on the 1st floor)  got our books etc and headed up to the 3rd floor. We clamored and wallered around and finally got ourselves into the top part of the fire escape.

Let me tell you~~ As soon as you let go of the little top deal, you shot down that tube like you were ridin' on a peeled onion. I went first, Barbie came directly after me and we both hit the bottom and tumbled out together. Right at the perfect time that our principal walked by coming from the shop and lunch room.
:-\ We were marched BACK INTO the office and we had to stay an hour after school writing a 5 page report on "something that was totally boring" that we had to look up in the encyclopedia's.

I have a more stories .. but it will ruin my image of being  perfect.  :angel:

Well Behaved Women Rarely Make History !


Did that third floor band room have a slanted floor.  My only memory of being in that building is being like five years old and being taken to some FHA or Kays/Kayettes function by my older cousin Sandra Sheel and being in this room with a slanted floor and a stage like area.

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