One for the Oldtimers

Started by Wilma, April 13, 2007, 10:55:17 AM

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My husband used to tell me about an April snow storm that happened sometime prior to 1948.  Grass was early that year and they had put the cattle to pasture several days early when the snow storm hit.  They couldn't get feed to the cattle.  Does anyone remember what year this was?

I know it wasn't 1948 because I was in Elk County by then.

Janet Harrington

Let me think.  Do I know anything ??? ??? ???  Nope.  Sorry, Mother.  I believe I was still sitting with Jesus with heaven. :angel:

W. Gray

A "history" of Kansas snowstorms in April is at

It seems to say there was a big one in April 1938.
"If one of the many corrupt...county-seat contests must be taken by way of illustration, the choice of Howard County, Kansas, is ideal." Dr. Everett Dick, The Sod-House Frontier, 1854-1890.
"One of the most expensive county-seat wars in terms of time and money lost..." Dr. Homer E Socolofsky, KSU

Jo McDonald

I don't have any recollections of the one you are taking about, Wilma, but I do remember well the one we had in April of 1955.  We lived in Yates Center and Teresa was 2 years 2 months old.  Fred had gone to Kansas City and drove home a new 45 ft. LP gas transport.  We had just moved to Yates Center and he was starting a new job working for the Yates Center LP Gas Company, owned by L.G. and LaVonne Rorher and his brother Russ was the manager.  Well the snow was nearly 10 inches deep and Fred thought it would be great to put our little darling, all bundled up in her fur hat, warm coat and snow boots, and mittens out in the snow so we could take movies of her.  Our cocker spaniel - who was Teresa's "great protector at ALL TIMES was bounding around in the snow and bless her baby heart, she just stood very still, put her little arms straight out in front of her and WAILED  AT THE TOP OF HER LUNGS.   We quickly picked her up and took her back in the house, before the neighbors thought to report us for child abuse.  The movies were really cute, however and she did not suffer any ill effects from her first "frolic in the deep snow".


Thank you, Waldo.  Apr. 8, 1938 may well be the one my husband remembered.  He would have been about 11 years old at the time.  Or it might have been a lesser amount that drifted a lot.


That must be the reason that I don't like snow now Mama.. :)
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