WORLEY, Oliver H. - b. July 22, 1843 - d. June 25, 1928

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Howard Courant
July 5, 1928


Civil War Soldier and Ex-Member of the Legislature--Many Years a Longton Banker

Longton News:  Oliver H. Worley, who was stricken with paralysis Tuesday of last week, passed away at his home in this city early Monday morning, never having regained consciousness.

Oliver H. Worley was born in Aurora, Indiana, July 22, 1843, and passed away at his home in Longton, June 25, 1928, aged 84 years, 11 months and 3 days.

When but a youth, Mr. Worley entered the service of his country, enlisting September 5, 1861, as a private in company A, 7th regiment, Indiana Infantry. He saw active service and after close of the war returned home.

In 1866 he came West and engaged in the cattle business for about eight years.  Retiring, he engaged in the mercantile business and following that followed farming for several years.  About 35 years ago he moved to Longton and took charge of the bank, then a private institution, which was later, through his efforts, made a state bank, he owning a major part of the stock.  After several years he assisted in organizing the Home National Bank in which he was one of the largest stock holders and president until his retirement in 1918.

His business successes gave him a wide acquaintance and he, in 1910, was elected to legislature.  In 1912 he declined to run, but in 1914 was again elected to the coming legislature.

Mr. Worley was married in Independence, Kansas, November 25, 1880 to Celia Sewell, who died October 11, 1886, leaving a daughter, Ethel, now Mrs. John Kaff of Atchison. A son, Raymond, died in 1882 at the age of one year.  In June 1888 he was married to Lucy A. Motzenbocker.  To this marriage was born one daughter, Enda (Edna?)  who is now Mrs. Hal E. Marshall of Wichita.

He is survived by his wife and two daughters, 4 grandchildren, an only sister, Mrs. Mary E. Carter, of Joplin, Mo., and other more distant relatives.  Mr. Worley at the time of his death was a member of the Methodist church at Longton, a member of the Masonic Lodge.

Funeral services were held at the family home Wednesday morning at 10 o'clock, Rev. Frank L. Page of the Methodist church officiating.

After the services the remains were taken to Independence by automobile where interment was made in Mt. Hope cemetery.

The famiy having the sympathy of a large circle of friends.

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