ZIRN, Henry G. - b. December 8, 1863 - d. February 4, 1930

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Howard Courant
February 6, 1930

H. G. Zirn, President First National Bank, and Pioneer Citizen Stricken With Brain Trouble

This community was shocked, stunned to hear Tuesday morning, that Henry G. Zirn had suddenly passed away at his home in Howard.  He was stricken with a brain trouble Monday evening while eating his dinner, but told his wife he would soon be better.  In a few minutes however she called the physician who came quickly and ministered to him.  He was evidently steadily weakening, and he was carried to his bed.  He steadily sank away, and at 7 a.m., Tuesday, passed quietly away, apparently suffering no pain.  He was unconcious from a few minutes after he was first stricken.

Mr. ZIrn had been in his usual good health, and was regularly at The First National Bank of which he was president, every day, day after day, giving his personal supervision to almost every part of the bank's activities and those associated with him in the bank, in clerical as well as official capacity saw nothing to indicate that he was not in his usual good health up to the time he went to his home Monday evening.

Mr. Zirn was known in a business and social way to almost every citizen of Elk county, having lived here from early boyhood.  For almost forty years he has been connected with The First National Bank, and for the past twelve or fifteen years has personally guided that prosperous institution and built it up till it is acknowledged to be one of the safest, strongest and most conservative banks in this part of the state.

Mr. Zirn's place in this community will be hard to fill, for he has always been identified with the city's and county's progress,, always ready to further the best interests of the community.  He has always been a loyal, helpful, charitable friend, a splendid influence, high-minded and honorable.  His beautful home has always been one of the most hospitable in Howard, and Mr. and Mrs. Zirn have always been surrounded with loyal, companionable, admiring friends, who deeply deplore his sudden and untimely passing.

The funeral will be held at the home this afternoon, at 3:00 o'clock, and burial will be in Grace Lawn cemetery.  All the ministers of the city will participate in the service, and a quartette from the Presbyterian church will sing.

The following brief sketch of the life of Mr. Zirn will be read at the services:

Henry George Zirn, son of German and Katherine Zirn, was born at LaCygne, Kansas, December 8, 1863, while the Civil War was being waged, his father being in active service in the Union Army, serving in a Kansas Regiment.

Henry Zirn, as a lad of 8 years came to this county with his parents, and was reared on the farm one mile south of Howard.  He attended the common schools, and at an early age qualified himself to teach, and taught several years in the rural schools and then in the Howard High School.  In 1892 he was offered a clerkship in the First National Bank of Howard, resigning from the high school faculty to accept it, and from that time to the day of his death his life was centered in the bank.  He filled every position in that institution, beginning as the lowest paid clerk whose duties included the janitor work.  He was regularly advanced to the various offices and positions of trust, member of the board of directors, cashier, and now for many years, president.

March 26, 1895, he was married to Miss Alice Rodman.

Mr. ZIrn, notwithstanding, the arduous duties and exactions of his busy life, found time to take active part in the civc affairs of the town and community.  He was twice chosen Mayor of Howard, held the office of Master of Hope Lodge No. 155, A. F. & A. M. was active in the Commercial Club, the Good Roads work, and was always identified with the progressive activities of his city, county and state.

He was taken suddenly ill Monday evening, at his home and sank steadily, passing away Tuesday morning, February 4, 1930, at 7 o'clock.  Age 66 years, 1 month, and 26 days.

He is survived by his wife, one sister and one brother.


Among the relatives of Mrs. H. G. Zirn who have arrived to attend the funeral services of Mr. Zirn are Mrs. Laura Kress, a sister, of Gruthrie, Oklahoma, Miss Josephine Rodman, a niece of Wichita, Edward Henry, a nephew of Tulsa, Oklahoma, Mr. and Mrs. Will Rodman of Kansas City, a brother and Mrs. Dora Henry and Leslie Rodman of Guthrie, a brother and sister, James Henry who is attending college at Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, arrived in Howard last night.



It is requested that all places of business in Howard be closed between the hours of 2:30 and 4:00 p.m. on Thursday, February 6, 1930, on account of the funeral of Mr. H. G. Zirn, who for so many years had been actively interested in all matters for the good of the city, community and country.

                                                                      G. W. MOON,  Mayor

Howard, Kansas, February 5, 1930

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