I wished I knew now...................

Started by Teresa, March 16, 2007, 12:01:55 AM

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If I knew now well, I would have left earlier when I was younger and made a career in a different field....I would also took more time playing then doing things that really didn't matter and no one but me cared about. hahahahha....but I am who I am and all my history has made me who I am and I really do like my life now....so maybe I wouldn't do anything different. Oh my...I do believe that I am talking in circles once again.  Is that age???? tee hee


Quote from: Sherri aka Sadie on March 19, 2007, 02:33:53 PM
Oh my...I do believe that I am talking in circles once again.  Is that age???? tee hee

Ahhhh yep... Afraid it is dear sister.
After all.. in just a couple of months you will be half a century old.

But I too would have used my time in school to study more instead of talking and boy watching...
And worked harder in college and taken lots of things more seriously and lots of things LESS seriously.............  and been nicer to some "certain people"..that I just KNOW will someday be in another lifetime with me..( I believe in reincarnation and karma) and I will have to deal with them in the same way all over again...   

But if we had chosen a life with only good things in it,and we had never made any mistakes .....well then...we wouldn't need to be here on the earth at all, now would we?? And we would certainly not be growing spiritually..and that IS why we are here on earth you know...
So when I think about it.. I really would probably change some things.. well maybe not change change... just do things differently..

Oh my..................... I'm talking too much again aren't I sister?!  :-\

  ** slowly creeping over to set down in the corner **

Well Behaved Women Rarely Make History !


If I knew then what I know now....I would have lived my life more for myself and not FOR so many other people.  I know now that even "then" I was a pretty darn good person with more than my share of common sense, I should have been more trusting in myself.  I would have stood up and been more vocal for myself as I do now.  And the usual, I would have gone to college and gotten that degree I wanted so badly.  I would have seen "more" of the world.  But even with the bad times, I wouldn't change enough of the past to eliminate the people that are so important to me now like my son and grandkids.  Regardless of anything else, they are keepers.  


If I knew then....what I know now........

I would have spent more time with all of the loved ones that have gone on before me----and told them and showed them more love.

I would have tried to be a better parent.

I would have studied more and taken advantage of all the years I spent in college. 

I would have exercised everyday.

I would have had one more child.

Invited people over more regardless of a dirty house, old furniture, and their standing in the community.

Not wasted so much time!!!!


If I knew then what I know now...
   I'd have writen in a journal all the funny & wonderful things that happened ~ as they happened ~ since I can only rememeber fragments of them now.
   I spent lots of time with my kids and my kids' friends, I'd do it all over again; even more so!  None of that time and effort is ever wasted.
   I'd have kept contact with all my loved ones, and made sure they knew I appreciated how they each touched my life.  I always just assumed they knew, now I'd like to be sure!
   Also, I'd have invested in Microsoft...


Microsoft AND Research In Motion (makers of the Blackberry)


If I knew then what I know now....

I would have grown a backbone at a much earlier age and not let the opinions of others matter so much to me. I would have been less quick to judge others and more quick to forgive. I would have believed it's OK to love yourself and to not be my own worst critic.

Like so many others here have said, I am who am today because of who I was then, and for that I have no regrets. But I'm a much different person today than I was just 10 years ago, and for that I am truly grateful.

Oh, and I would have worn a bra more in the 1970s, because I'm paying for it now! LOL

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