Gay Marriage

Started by Teresa, April 11, 2005, 10:53:21 PM

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Excuse me please... but why does it have to be the governments business if 2 people want to get married?
Marriage as the government see's it, is only Mans Law anyway.
Whether you and a partner want to be bound together in a "marriage" is to me... between you and God.
It isn't anyone else's business ..certainly not Big Brother's or  Uncle Sam's.

That is all I wanted to say. :P
Well Behaved Women Rarely Make History !



Wow.. I  got several "biting" personal's on this one......

I said I didn't think it was anyone's business...
As long as they are good parents and honest gentle loving hard working people, it doesn't bother me what 2 people do or how they conduct their lives together...
Do I have a few "personal problems " with some of the ways of the lifestyles of the gay community? Of course I do....
BUT~~~ it still isn't any of my business  or yours or the governments to interfere in the heart matters of 2 adults.

I stand by my original post!

Well Behaved Women Rarely Make History !


Thank you for sharing your opinion Teresa, however unpopular it is.  I am in complete agreement with you.  I fought against this ammendment, and it actually didn't pass here within the city of Manhattan.  I can only imagine what the numbers were like in Howard.  It's funny, I've talked to people who are adament that this ammendment isn't discriminatory.  They've used such intellectually bankrupt arguments such as "Gay people can get married to someone of the opposite sex just like everyone else!" What this boils down to is that a majority of people in Kansas simply don't like gay people, are generally repulsed when seeing a gay couple in public, and don't really mind adding a bit of discrimination to the constitution.  I've seen the phrase "Hate the sin, love the sinner" a lot lately.  What's funny is that no gay person I've ever known has felt the love part.  Just the hate.



to be technical... it actually is our business in a way. basically, with gay couples everyone is more likely to pay more money whether it be taxes or for insurance because gay couples have a very high chance of getting AIDS and whatnot. basically, that comes back to bite us when it comes to stuff like life insurance and whatever else that's out there so in the end, it does affect us.



I think current studies show that heterosexual women are the current leaders (?) in contracting AIDS.

Specifically women 15-29.

In countries where that is NOT the primary group, it is still spread among three high risk populations: prostitutes, drug users and gay men.

AIDS is not spread through "matters of the heart" or marriage. It's kind of an apples and oranges conversation.

Janet Harrington

Well, MOM70X7,  that is well said.  Personally, when the powers were trying to get this bill going, (Frank Miller, Elk County's Representative), I told Senator Derek Schmidt that I didn't think it was a good idea to open up the constitution to change it.  We had a statute that says marriage in Kansas is recognized as a marriage between one man and one woman.  Why did we need to change the constitution??????  Senator Schmidt voted for the bill as did Rep. Miller, it went to the vote of the people and it passed.  Since we are a democracy, the majority rules.  Not much we can do, but shake our heads and hope it works out or gets repealed some day.  As you said, matters of the heart is what constitutes a marriage.  Do I agree with gay and lesbian marriages?  No.  Will I get on my "bully-pulpit" and rant and rave and condemn these people?  No.  Will I try to help them if they are in need?  Yes.  That is why God allows us to live is to help people and gays and lesbians are people.  There ya go.


"Every once in a while I just have a compelling need to shoot my mouth off." 

"If you don't have a sense of humor, you probably don't have any sense at all."
-- Warph

"A gun is like a parachute.  If you need one, and don't have one, you'll probably never need one again."


I have to agree with Teresa.  Ain't nobody's business but their own.  Besides a married same sex couple that are living by their vows are not spreading any STD's or producing unwanted children.  How is that costing us in tax money?


If the people are doing their job... ( and I mean really doing their job) then who the heck should care? Its not YOUR lifestyle.. and don't we have a whole lot more important issues in the United States right now to try to survive other than who is sleeping with who and what they are doing within their own life walls?

 Contrary to the belief that  they will blow up in a puff of smoke and lose their "moral values of the so called Christian American world"  * whatever those are*.....The heterosexual family and their children will all survive just fine if they are subjected to same sex marriage people.  ::)

Lets get on with what we are drowning under right now.. The very good chance that we will be under Socialist/ Communistic rule with a full financial collapse of our country occupies my mind a heck of a lot more than gay marriage. . I'm more worried about gas prices prices and the chipping away at our freedoms than I am about trivial/none of my business sticking my nose in of who someone wants to be married to.
::) ::) ::)
Well Behaved Women Rarely Make History !

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