Hear the Political Clock Ticking?

Started by CCarl, September 18, 2023, 07:47:45 AM

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Tick  Tock  Tick  Tock . . . here's a link to what is coming.


Yea, that is where we are heading . . . . but if we've paid just a bit of attention, then we'd already know that. Either redcliffsw or Wake-up! posted about martial law on this Forum several years back. I listened and re-listened to that old link, I bookmarked it, and I eventually transcribed it so I could read it. My brain absorbs reading better than listening. I'm probably not alone in that. Here is the old link I'm referring to; 

Internet information says that concise video is a training film from the Pentagon's Joint Special Operations. It was accessed by someone through the Freedom Of Information Act (FOIA) in 2016, and released to the public. I do not know when the video was produced. Essentially, it foresees an anarchistic response to the rapidly diminishing resources needed to care for a rapidly expanding world population. The video states the need for a military response to stop the anarchy. That is the Marxist, hard Left and Right, political solution to the coming crises. Remember, martial law is not just troops on the street, it is the suspension of the Constitution and the Bill of Rights. Although the video says the fight will be urban, when martial law comes it will come everywhere. Rural living might be lucky to escape the worst of its tentacles. And it might not.

Yes, the far Right is Marxist, it demands obedience to a centralized authority as much as the far Left. Both are Marxist. The only difference is obedience over what, and to whom. The proper solution to any crisis is never obedience, it is ALWAYS creativity. In this case, creativity is best expressed through the Free Market, where individuals and families interact to find solutions to resource shortages at a very local level. That creates millions of personal solutions instead of one, centralized solution that serves a few elitist controllers, at what cost to the millions of people. The solution to the coming crises, as well as our present one [or are they the same one?], is simply decentralization.

The timeline for martial law under the Marxist-Obedience ideal in the Pentagon video is 2030. I wonder if it will happen sooner, if the Marxists have accelerated their timeline. Could it be here in 2024, when the next Presidential election may overwhelm all of us, regardless of the so-called winner? Can you imagine the rioting by the Controllers if the Trumpster should win? If GoBrandon wins, will the MAGA-hats, aka QAnons, just shrug their shoulders, or will they take to the courthouses and capitols with over 400,000,000 weapons and make the so-called January 6 Insurrection look like a guided tour (which it, incidentally, was)? Is there a good outcome, at all?

The GoBrandon Outcome
In plant classification, the genus name for the common 'beggarticks' is Bidens. The play on words is too hilarious to overlook. Maybe we should call sleepy Joe, Bidens vulgata, the scientific name for big devil beggarticks. LOL.
The guy is a zero, isn't he? He managed to get into law school, then finished near the bottom of his class. He never practiced law, I've read where he was unable to pass the bar exam. His entire life has been government administration. That career required zero productivity, and paid him lots of taxpayers' money. Then he and his family lied and influence-peddled his position into millions, maybe thousands of millions. Does any of that call for respect for the man?
What happens if/when the demented old man is re-elected? Internationally, he is unlawfully spending taxpayers' money in Ukraine and elsewhere. He's baiting Russia into a direct war. His economic policies are allowing China to exceed us in the world market, so he wants war with China. Has he illusions/delusions of a 'limited' nuclear war? Domestically, he wants Washington DC to control/regulate all commerce, all natural resources, he wants us all locked down, force-vaccinated with experimental genetic material, and in masks. He has expanded DHS and heavily armed the IRS. He wants crypto-currency to not only be our only money, but he wants to use it to approve our purchases, too. Can you see Mrs. Jones and her five kids at the Walmart check-out, "I'm sorry ma'am, but your bank card has declined these purchases. Your allotment of breakfast cereal for the week is two boxes, not five." That's coming with GoBrandon. He has halted pipeline construction, off-shore oil development, and new oil refinery construction. Our oil reserves are marginal. Fuel is going to be twelve dollars a gallon if/when he is re-elected.
Does he ever speak to Constitutional constraints, to the Bill of Rights, or to individual freedom? He isn't interested in having Congress' support, he wants to regulate by Executive Order. He wants one thing from us, our total obedience. He is a shill for Soros and his controlling ilk. He will make America a Dictatorship. That is his job in the new world order, he is delivering the USA to the NWO. The national anthem will become Down at the Banana Republic.

The Trumpster Outcome
Some still call him President, some still use Sir Donald. My perception of him has always been similar to a drug lord, a person of persuasion through power, intimidation, and threats. I don't think he's my friend. I think he's more a bully on the school grounds. I suspect he has paid for every friend he has. I have never understood why good ol' boys and good ol' girls support him. Is it just 'the lesser of two evils' theory, or worse, 'if one is bad, the other must be good'?
When it comes to martial law, I just do not believe the Trumpster will stop it. I do think he'd use it as a tool, try to influence its timing and extent as President-elect, and use it to the advantage of the banking and corporate world. His election might slow its arrival, may be; buy us a few more years, may be. On the other hand, given the rioting that the Marxist Left will start if/when the Trumpster wins, his victory may invoke martial law rather quickly. In the process, our Rights are flushed down the toilet.
He's such a corporatist, he won't ever push individual Rights over the corporate world. If he has ever pushed individual rights outside of gun ownership, send me the links, please. He wants to make America great again, he doesn't say Make Americans Free Again (MAFA). He thinks greatness is corporate profits. He wants MAGA, one of the QAnon mantras. I think MAFA is better, the difference is fundamental. I think Wake-up! and/or redcliffsw talked about MAFA.
The other QAnon mantra he adopted was WWG1WGA, wasn't that it, where we go one, we go all? Now isn't that Marxist, collective rhetoric? How similar is that to JFK's collective 'masterpiece', "Ask not what your country can do for you, ask what you can do for your country"? Both are simply making people subservient to some form of centralized State. Is that what we need?
The Trumpster likes deficit spending. Is he willing to abandon the counterfeit dollar and put us back on a gold standard? Would he end the IRS? It's unlawful. Would he end the Federal Reserve? It's unlawful. Both IRS and FED were formed in 1913 by placing the 16th Amendment in effect. Although the amendment went through the states' ratification process, it was never lawfully ratified because all but two or three of the states ratified it with conditions. Since conditions to an amendment are not Constitutional, the 16th amendment has no lawful standing. See the book The Law That Never Was. Actually, the Trumpster, or any other President, would not need to repeal the 16th Amendment, he would only need to cite the ratification's conditional results, the Constitution, and then declare the amendment null and void. [The fact a court system has never had the courage to make that declaration shows how corrupt our general government has become.]
Just what is the Trumpster's platform? Is it just to undo whatever GoBrandon has done? And to rant? Does the Trumpster have anything intelligent to say about specifics of his platform? Can he even speak intelligently about debt versus deficit, and how they work to make paupers of the middle class? Has he ever proposed a balanced budget? In how many years? He's so wealthy, does he really care about us, or just about our vote?
I'll thank him if he does reopen oil and other resources to exploration and permitting. And that may be all I'd thank him for, if he's elected.
Will the Trumpster end the Department of Homeland Security (DHS)? It is unlawful. The Constitution does not delegate any authority to the general government for that department, nor for the spending of taxpayers' money it does. My bet is he uses it illegally to fight his many enemies, just like GoBrandon, Obama, and Bush have.
I've never heard the Trumpster speak of State Rights. Does he even believe in the separation of State powers from the powers of the general government? I think he's is a prototypical Abraham Lincoln Unionist, a believer that the central government is supreme in all powers. He scares me almost as much as GoBrandon.
The Trumpster is so full of attacks on others, I do not know what his workable programs may be, other than the corporate world. And that is just his version of the Deep State, isn't it? Seriously, how much would the Trumpster improve our lives? Are we suffering just from GoBrandon, or from years of centralized government, from Republicans and Democrats alike?

The RFK, Jr. Outcome
I doubt TPTB will ever allow RFK Jr. to win the Democratic nomination, even if his running gathers some momentum within the Party. I hope, if he raises enough money, he will run as a third party or independent candidate. Having the Libertarian party nominate him would put him on the ballot in all fifty states. I think a Green party nomination would do the same.
RFK Jr. wants to bring all the troops home, and pull out of NATO. That's what classical conservatives and libertarians want. That returns us to Constitutional bounds. But, he wants to spend all that military money he saves on domestic issues. That isn't what I want, or the what the Constitution delegates, but world peace and a guaranteed government income of monopoly money is a much different and better-in-some-ways outcome than what GoBrandon or the Trumpster are offering. Isn't it? Spend all that monopoly money domestically, yea baby, and let the good times roll! Stimulus money all around, more welfare, and fat government contracts for all job sectors. RFK Jr. probably thinks that level of spending will save the economy. It won't, but the economy would hiccup and tick up a brief moment before it dies from runaway debt and inflation. Unless he invokes price controls on everything. And there is that issue of centralized authority rearing its ugly head again.
Come election day, what are the chances we have GoBrandon and who cares versus the Trumpster and who cares versus RFK Jr. and Tulsi Gabbard? Now wouldn't that be a three-way hoot? Would GoBrandon start martial law to prevent the voting, just so he doesn't end up in third place? How fast would that bankrupt the Democratic Party, a third place finish? LOL. Tulsi served in Iraq as an Army Reservist. She'd be the only candidate with those credentials. And she's critical of excessive military spending, like RFK Jr.
What could that ticket offer besides bringing the troops home and free monopoly money? Hmm, JFK Jr. has been very outspoken in his criticism of the forced vaccination the last three years. That will pull votes from GoBrandon and the Trumpster. What else could he pull out of a hat? Maybe he could audit the Federal Reserve, or dare he say he would end the surveillance state? I don't know enough about him, but I think he needs four or five political positions that are in stark contrast to the Trumpster and to GoBrandon.

Plus a good measure of 'luck', and an armored vest;  https://thekennedybeacon.substack.com/p/breaking-news-armed-man-detained

Does it seem like there is any seriously beneficial outcome to 2024? A three-way election would be serious fun, but we'd end up with the same-o same-o, more debt, larger deficit, spiraling costs, and economic collapse. Not to mention a huge probability of martial law. With an improbable RFK Jr. victory, the Far Left and Far Right may pause their angst with each other for awhile, but don't count on it lasting long.
When I was twenty-one I was a pawn in a uniform while the USA's imperialism was obliterating Vietnam and millions of her people, all the while losing 'our' war against the imperialism of communism. I was on a little R & R, looking out a third-story window at 0300, while the bar hostess I had paid ten bucks for sex snored on the bed. I was looking down on the streets of the P I, or Taiwan, I don't recall which. They were much the same back in the day. Below me on the streets were American-made Jeeps patrolling. Beside the driver was a German Shepard dog. In the back was a second uniform with a turreted machine gun. No one was allowed on the streets between midnight and 0600. No one. The uniforms did not ask questions first. Neither did the dog.
I laughed quietly at my R & R, or 'liberty call' as we sailors referred to it. Liberty, there was no liberty where I was. Everything was controlled by centralized government. The P I and Taiwan were no better than mainland China or North Vietnam (or our ally, South Vietnam, for that matter). But back home, government and media called them our allies, and labelled them bastions of freedom. None of it was true. I knew it then, and I wondered what the outcome would be.
Now I know the outcome. We lost in Viet Nam. Our empire building has lost everywhere it has engaged since then. That ten buck bar hostess would cost $75.00 today. We paid about $0.239 per gallon of gas then. I bet it will be nearly $4.00 a gallon before this September ends. Those massive increases in costs are not due to demand, they mostly reflect what a bunch of economists refer to as the inflation tax. Its cause is government spending waay more than it has, in order to control everything. Martial law is coming with that control, and will cost us dearly.
The P I and Taiwan people have never found freedom, they have struggled from one dictator to another, 'elected' or otherwise. And now Americans are joining them, our Constitutional principles and Bill of Rights have become muck in the pig pen of Marxist-Obedience, and we are headed toward a Dictatorship and martial law. (My apologies to the pigs of the world.)

And there is the 2024 outcome, although it's been edging closer with each election cycle. We need change in the worst way. There is an escape, but it requires fundamental changes at the local level. Does Longton have the stones to make change?
The aim of public education is not to spread enlightenment at all, it is simply to reduce as many individuals as possible to the same safe level, to breed and train a standardized citizenry, to put down dissent and originality.

Bib Overalls built America; Business Suits destroyed America.


Headline: RFK Jr. to run as Independent;  https://www.zerohedge.com/political/watch-live-rfk-jr-abandon-democrats-third-party-reset-course-our-nation

Well, look at that, Bobby Jr. took just three weeks to read the initial post here, and make a plan. LOL  I'm sure many others were thinking likewise, but I'm surprised more people have not already written about his independent or third party candidacy potential. It seemed pretty obvious to me.

Now we will have a big ol' three-ring circus of an election. Stand-by with peanuts and popcorn, and smell the foul air of elephants and donkeys. The Uniparty is going to be tested, and it will no doubt fail all Americans (again).

Not that popular vote numbers mean much when the President will be determined by the electoral College, or by the House of Representatives, but thinking about the popular vote is a fun game to play.

What if pollsters project that the Trumpster will have a 44% to 39% edge come election day, and RFK Jr.'s popularity makes the pollsters believe his traditional Socialism will draw 15% of  the 39% that support GoBrandon. It is feasible that the less irrational Dems would leave the woke-dominated Dem Party for a moderate-Socialist like RFK, Jr. [BTW, isn't it amazing the world is in a position where Socialism can be called moderate, rather than extreme?!]

Now is it possible RFK's political positions of closing the border, ending empire-building around the world, and being anti vax-mandates might also appeal to moderate Reps and have, say, 15% of the Trumpster's 44% support leave him? And there are pundits that believe RFK Jr. will hurt the Trumpster more than he'll hurt Go Brandon. Watch out you MAGA hats!!

That could make the Trumpster/Go Brandon/RFKJr. percentages look like 29/24/30!! Can anyone imagine the perversity and hatred from the Dems if they are looking at a 3rd place finish?! And can you hear Trumpster yelling profanities at RFK Jr. from the top of Manhattan's tallest high-rise?  Now all that WOULD soil the Uni-parties' diapers.

Probable? Probably not, but fun to speculate, and more fun to watch unfold. And just maybe probable enough that RFK Jr.'s independent run will force the Dem Party to cancel Go Brandon and turn to a younger woke-Socialist, California's one and only Gavin Newsom. What a fun twist that would be. Not fun for Americans' pocket books or freedom, but definitely fun in political theater.

Would a viable RFK Jr. alter the likelihood of martial law? Any guesses??

The aim of public education is not to spread enlightenment at all, it is simply to reduce as many individuals as possible to the same safe level, to breed and train a standardized citizenry, to put down dissent and originality.

Bib Overalls built America; Business Suits destroyed America.


Some pollsters claim RFK Jr. will capture more Independent votes then Trumpster or GoBrandon. That will hurt Trumpster more, handing the election to the Democrats.

A quick read;  https://www.theburningplatform.com/2023/11/05/rfk-jr-will-decide-the-2024-election/
The aim of public education is not to spread enlightenment at all, it is simply to reduce as many individuals as possible to the same safe level, to breed and train a standardized citizenry, to put down dissent and originality.

Bib Overalls built America; Business Suits destroyed America.


Strong answers to questions, and not written or rehearsed. No ums and ahs, no avoiding a direct answer, decent eye contact, self assured. He's more Presidential than Trump or GoBrandon.

Here is some background on Vivek Ramaswamy from wikipedia; https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Vivek_Ramaswamy

While his answers are clearly stated, I'm not sure he is 100% correct, based on my understanding of the election process. He's not the only one that's not correct, throw GoBrandon and RFK Jr. in the same lot. And Trump? He rants so much I cannot tell what he knows. Maybe his rant covers up ignorance, or maybe covers up cunning. Maybe it depends on how he wants to play the crowd.

Contrary to common opinion, we do NOT have a single Presidential election every fours years, we have fifty of them. Each State holds its own election to determine who becomes President. If one State wants to deny a person a ballot position, who is the federal government, i.e. SCOTUS, to interfere in State authority?

Each State chooses its own delegates to the Electoral College. The delegates elect for President, the popular vote does not. Many States do not bind their Electoral College delegates to vote for the State winner of the general election for President. Their ballots can be cast with any name they want, although they generally follow the popular vote in their State. Other States require a first ballot to follow how the people voted, but after that, it's a free for all. There are many variations among the fifty States.

So if Coloradans don't like what their State Supreme Court just did in denying Trump ballot access, let Coloradans challenge the decision. It is not a federal issue. It is NOT an issue that political parties should have ANY control over. It is a Right of each State to determine its election process. That is how the separation of powers works in our constitutional republic.

It will be interesting to see how this plays out. And do not be surprised if January 2025 brings an Electoral College vote that does not follow the popular vote. Before then, maybe a red State will punch back against Colorado, and simply say they will not permit any Democrats on their ballot. Wouldn't that make for great political comedy?!!

Do you like Vivek? He seems like a breath of fresh air compared to the corrupt lot we've had to choose from the past 40 years [at least]. If he truly wants to do what wikipedia claims [abolish at least five federal agencies, including the Education Department, FBI, ATF, IRS, Nuclear Regulatory Commission, and USDA's Food and Nutrition Service] he will be doing more for Americans than any other individual President has . . . . if he can pull it off.

The aim of public education is not to spread enlightenment at all, it is simply to reduce as many individuals as possible to the same safe level, to breed and train a standardized citizenry, to put down dissent and originality.

Bib Overalls built America; Business Suits destroyed America.


Here's a hoot, a few in Texas are apparently suggesting that Texas ban Biden from its ballot. Go get'em . . . grrr.


2024 is going to be sooo full of itself.
The aim of public education is not to spread enlightenment at all, it is simply to reduce as many individuals as possible to the same safe level, to breed and train a standardized citizenry, to put down dissent and originality.

Bib Overalls built America; Business Suits destroyed America.

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