The Coming Collapse . . . Not What You Think

Started by CCarl, November 08, 2023, 01:11:21 PM

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Here is a link to a short video on auroras;    Isn't that red sky at night a beautiful thing! That was an aurora seen in Turkey the night of November 6th, this year.  They used to be called "aurora borealis" in reference to seeing them at northern latitudes. Turkey, Greece, Texas, and Mexico are not in northern latitudes. Auroras used to be rare, now they are more frequent. As beautiful as they are, they are precursors to a coming collapse of the Earth's magnetic field, and eventually to a pole shift.

Wall Street, academia, mass media, politicians, and elitists are disseminating information about the wrong Collapse. It has nothing to do with government policies or man-made carbon in the atmosphere. The Earth's magnetic field has been weakening for a hundred and sixty years. Its rate of weakening is increasing. That weakening makes us extremely vulnerable to a worldwide blackout from a solar storm that will eradicate the electronic grid. After the solar storm destroys the grid there will be no food at the store, no water from any tap, no internet, no phones, no heat, no air conditioning, no banks, no pumps to distribute or dispense fuel, and no trains, planes, or trucks to deliver resources or products. Hospitals will be beds in wards and rooms with very limited medical skills, lacking the ability to x-ray, scan, run sophisticated lab tests, or perform computer-aided surgeries. And since this is happening globally, no one is coming to help any of us. Economics, social unrest, and war are talking-point diversions. A two-front or a three-front war may very well kill millions. If humanity is not prepared, a global blackout will kill billions. That is the Collapse that is coming. That is the focal point we should all have eyes on.

Quibbling about which political position comes into power is not the answer. Politics will lose all meaning, if it hasn't already. God does not need to save us. What is coming IS natural law, it is a twelve thousand year cycle that renews Earth, and possibly reawakens currently 'lifeless' planets. This cycle has come before. The renewal is not Earth-centric, rather it emanates from the center of the Universe. It is Creation manifesting. It is supposed to be this way. Call it God's Plan, if you lean that way.
We are not here at this time accidentally [or at any other time for that matter], we are here meaningfully. Each of us has a purpose and a specific destiny to fulfill. Creation always intends to do something through each of us. Our inner selves know this, our outer selves tend to become caught up in arrogance and judgment, and forget it. We are here now to experience various aspects of the coming renewal of Earth. Which aspect, and how it is experienced, is up to each individual.

The appropriate general response to survive the Collapse is to change our lifestyles, to end our massive consumption of resources, and end the emphasis of a material and technological world that is dependent on energy use and thrives on societal abuse. The response we need to learn is to live very much like the Amish. When the solar storm comes, Amish communities will not blink. The same may be said of numerous so-called primitive, native communities living remotely on Earth.
If we had wise state and national leadership, it would put down its military pomp, set aside partisan bickering, and help us transition to a lifestyle that promotes survival. Instead, that 'leadership' will continue to thrive on theft and corruption to its very end. It is time for us to think and act locally to strengthen both voluntary assistance and our personal conviction to survive.

Money will have no value. Planning ahead needs to think in terms of barter, not dollars or financial security. Think of coins for their precious metals content, not the denomination stamped on them. Think ammo, bottles of whiskey, hand tools, garden seeds, medical supplies, cannabis, and dehydrated foods. Each of those will have more value as a medium of exchange than a Federal Reserve Note, or any other countries' paper currencies.
Principles of economics, sociology, philosophy, and other academic pursuits fall to the wayside in a time of survival. A BS, BA, MS, or PhD will not be worth the parchment it is printed on. Knowledge of knapping flint, purifying water, curing a hide, handling livestock, emergency medical care, preserving food, and other 'prepper' skills will be more valuable. Intellectual pursuit will not barter you a meal along the road to Damascus. Ready or not, it is time to set a new course and turn to.

1) Watch this several times; 

2) Then work on this long list of pertinent details;

3) While you are working on #2, go here;   listen to the daily morning reports, and read the research papers presented daily.

4) Talk to friends about one, two, and three, then organize a free forum, open to all, and dedicated to survival discussions and ideas.

The aim of public education is not to spread enlightenment at all, it is simply to reduce as many individuals as possible to the same safe level, to breed and train a standardized citizenry, to put down dissent and originality.

Bib Overalls built America; Business Suits destroyed America.


BANKRUPTCY, the other collapse. Here are the best talking points on it.

Honestly, Americans have been spending Monopoly money for fifty years. Will dire warnings make any difference? Would sound economics make any difference given the coming Earth renewal?

Isn't the only important thing at this point to spend money in preparedness? Who cares if it is Monopoly money, gold coins, bitcoins, or government issued digital currency with Biden's mug shot on the piece of plastic we'll all be forced to use? Will any of it have legitimacy when the need to barter is on our doorsteps?
The aim of public education is not to spread enlightenment at all, it is simply to reduce as many individuals as possible to the same safe level, to breed and train a standardized citizenry, to put down dissent and originality.

Bib Overalls built America; Business Suits destroyed America.


The aim of public education is not to spread enlightenment at all, it is simply to reduce as many individuals as possible to the same safe level, to breed and train a standardized citizenry, to put down dissent and originality.

Bib Overalls built America; Business Suits destroyed America.


As Our Earth Dances

I sent this link to a few friends earlier in the week, one of them a sixteen year old 'in' an online high school.


Here is her response, "I don't believe in climate change. I believe the earth is changing it's dance".

Although the 'lol' suggests her answer was light-weight, maybe even intending to be humorous, I think it is a very astute thought. I have posted once or twice about the subject of that link. To respond that the Earth is dancing draws a very wide swath of what life is about, in my opinion. I suggest everyone also watch the one-hour video that the narrator recommends.

The dance she alluded to is cyclic, and part of that cycle is warming and cooling just like a dance changes tempo with the music being played. Climate change is not a matter of belief or political position, it is part of the Earth's rhythm. We are about to cool off, not over heat, and it has nothing to do with man-made carbon, or cow farts.

Ninety-eight percent of the world lies to you and manipulates you. Ben, the narrator, does not. He reviews historical climate information along with recent findings from satellites and current research on physical aspects of the Earth, its magnet field, the sun, our solar system, and the galaxy. He is heavily read in astrophysics. But, if something is sketchy to him, he will tell you. If assumptions are erroneous, or passed off as factual, he will say so.

If you watch his recommended hour long presentation you'll find the Earth isn't dancing alone, it is dancing in concert with the galaxy. It is all coordinated and graceful from a cosmic perspective. The galaxy breathes deeply, slowly, and in rhythm. Every 12,000 years its breath (energy pulse) enters our solar system and changes the way the planets dress, what they breath, and how fast they turn. The galactic breath initiates those changes by altering and reorganizing the planets' energy fields. And they begin their own new dance, a new cycle.

That dance of change on Earth has already started with a loss of strength of our magnetic field, and drift of our poles, as the galaxy's breath is moving through. We would all do well to thoroughly understand what is coming. As that dance of change on Earth progresses, Earth will cool, then a pulse from the sun will destroy every bit of the electric world we depend on. To survive that we will need to live very much the way the Amish do today. That will be the human dance needed to carry on. Beyond that, the Earth's rotation on its axis will stop for a matter of hours before restarting, and the north and south poles will shift ninety degrees. Those changes will trigger massive 2000' foot high tsunami's and volcanoes around the world, followed by a sudden and deeper freeze, then a thaw and a renewal of the cycle. A new song will start for the Earth to dance to, just like a new song and dance started 12,000 years ago.

And that dance restarted 24,000, 36,000, 48,000, and 60,000 years before, that 'we' have proof of. The CIA had wind of this in the 1950s, and sent a team to the Arctic to drill through the ice and underlying sediments and rock. They found that before the arctic 'landmass' was frigid it grew tropical plants; before that lichens and other non-vascular plants that handle frigid conditions, then another layer of tropical plants, etc., like clockwork.

When will our current dance end in renewal? Ben's best estimate right now is the next twenty to forty-five years, the last I heard him speak about it. And he admits timelines are tough. But remember, the timelines we use are a human construct, and they do not perfectly match the Earth's rhythm. Look at 300 years out of 12,000 years, 300 of 12,000 is only 2.5%. Being that far off is like saying you'll be somewhere in an hour and you end up 90 seconds early or late. On Earth's time 300 years is a yawn, 20 to 45 years is a snap. A new dance step is upon us.

Watch the hour video, and the other ones Ben has. He substantiates why the hour is late, why the Earth's dance will change soon, and just how he has come to say twenty to forty-five years. But most of all, make plans for the new dance.
The aim of public education is not to spread enlightenment at all, it is simply to reduce as many individuals as possible to the same safe level, to breed and train a standardized citizenry, to put down dissent and originality.

Bib Overalls built America; Business Suits destroyed America.

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