
Started by genealogynut, December 02, 2006, 06:04:15 PM

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In another thread, Wal-Mart was mentioned...........I will put in my two cents worth, that isn't really worth anything.  I have seen so much negative publicity on the internet, regarding "the giant" these past several weeks.  Wal-Mart seems to have a black image these days, and I can understand why.

Looking back a number of years ago, the giants of that time were David's (Wichita) and K-Mart, Woolworth's, and T G &Y just to name a few.  All but K-Mart no longer exist.  I've heard the adage "the bigger they are......the harder they fall."  I think that is true in the future of Wal-Mart.  Not too long ago, I read something to the effect that Wal-Mart may be starting to down-size  and start to have some spin-off's from their stores.  Wal-Mart just got too big.....too fast.  I don't believe it's gonna last. 

The management and policies would be much different, if Sam Walton were still alive today.  If he knew how things were being done today, he'd turn over in his grave!

There!  I've said my two cents worth.


I think most everyone is coming to that conclusion.  When folks wake up and actually price shop, you find that aside from advertised sale items, most things can be purchased at local or smaller stores for the same or less and you don't have to park a football field away.  Plus you can get someone to wait on you, answer questions, and help you to the car with your purchases when needed.  I do still occasionally go to WalMart (at my house it's referred to as "The Evil Entity"), but I try get everything I can somewhere else first.  Is there any room left on this soapbox? ;D




We go to WalMart maybe twice a year, less if we can avoid it. (In the other thread I mentioned that we'd stopped there on our way home. The reason being Terrell needed to fill a prescription and the doctor told him to fill it at WalMart where he thought it would be one of those $4 deals. Wrong. It was a $50 "deal." But I digress.....)

I'll pay more at Dillons than save a few cents at Wal-Mart. I make every attempt to spend my money with local merchants because I don't like what Wal-Mart does to its employees and to other retailers. I've seen how it drives other businesses into the ground with its "Low Prices" then when it has the market cornered, it raises its own prices. The town where I lived in Indiana lost at least a dozen local businesses and about five national brand stores (Payless Shoes, Tru-Value hardware, J.C. Penney, Kmart, etc.) when Wal-Mart came to town. It opened a store in 2002 and three years later, closed it and built a Super Wal-Mart just down the road. So now the town has an empty Kmart building AND an empty Wal-Mart building.

They're planning to build another WalMart at the Kellogg-Oliver area here in Wichita, which is very close to our neighborhood. We're hope to be living in Howard before their grand opening.


I agree with most of what is being said about Wal-Mart.  They are too big.  I spend time looking for what I want and when I ask about it, they no longer stock it.  I find something I like and when I go back for more, they no longer stock it.  I find a piece of clothing I like, buy one, wear it, like it and go back for another.  They no longer stock it.  Things are cheaper but the containers are so big and heavy that I have trouble handling them and they don't carry smaller sizes.  I don't like big cakes of bath soap, super sizes of tooth paste, very, very big bottles of shampoo.

There is one Wal-Mart I like.  For years we shopped at the Derby Wal-Mart where I knew where to find everything.   The girl at the prescription counter called me Mrs. Weyrauch without asking and said it right.  The lady at the check out that I used most asked about my husband when he wasn't with us.  The lady in the pet department was most helpful, visited with us and continued to speak to us and visit a bit even when she moved to another department.  Must I say that this Wal-Mart is smaller than most of them and has been there longer?

Now the Derby Wal-Mart is out of the way.  It is faster to stop at the one on East Kellog and with a Lowe's there, too, and a Dillon's at Andover, sometimes we don't have to go any further into Wichita.


This is for those who have an interest in sewing.  Wal-Mart in Independence is liquidating their fabric department and now has 50% off.  I have been told that eventually all Wal-Mart stores will be doing away with their fabrics..  I am aware that most young folks do not know how to sew and most women do not have the time, as they are employed outside the home, but there are those who do have to make their own clothes out of necessity, and there are folks that enjoy doing crafts, etc.  So I find it rather sad that fabric departments, stores, etc. are now a rarity and very hard to find.  Another era of days gone by.  :( :(


I find that I am more likely to find what I want at Hancock's, Hobby Lobby or JoAnne's than I do at Wal-Mart.  Of course, these are all in Wichita.  I grew up just outside Wichita, still did most of my sewing shopping in Wichita during the time we lived in Severy.  Kind of hard to change old habits at my age.  Clothing 4 girls every year was a challenge.  I would go to Wichita, visit the remnant departments, spend lots of time on my choices, then go home and fit the fabric to the girl.  One of my daughters could wear the odd colors that no one else looked good in and she still does.  I am still amazed at what she can make look good.

Janet Harrington

I just find your other daughters totally amazing.  ha ha


Was that supposed to be nice?

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