Another Good Morning!!

Started by Wilma, March 12, 2007, 07:53:29 AM

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It's another good morning in Elk County and surrounding friends.  Don't forget Esther Jordan's 90th birthday this week.  Her address can be found elsewhere on this forum.  And let's all wish Lois a speedy recovery from her illness.  I, for one, am missing her contributions to my entertainment.

We need an update from Joanna on her critter hunt.  Am I becoming dependent on this forum or something?  Have to have my morning fix.


We've killed 2 armadillos in the past week out here. They are so nasty!! We'll hear Doc, our austrailian shepherd, barking and whining so Billy will go out with the shotgun and hunt the armadillos down...Now if only we could cut down the coyote population! We put our house right in the middle of where they all congregate I think. One night we had at least twenty behind the house! The just come right up to the house and bark and tease us. Billy says they are just laughing at us because we can't catch them...I think he's right!

Anyhow...Good morning forum!


Coyotes will do that.  Laugh at you.  I don't know of anything that will keep tham away.  Maybe you built over there favorite bone burying spot.


Now Wilma, be careful.  You'll be giving her nightmares like the Poltergeist movies.  HA!

I've caught the crud that everyone else has been sharing lately, deep chest cough and major headcold symptoms too.  Marty was sick all last week, he missed 3 days of work.  I told him I refused to catch it from him, but looks like I was wrong.  The sunshine and fresh air helps, though I had to sleep sitting up last night. 

I took the trap back to the city office for a bit.  Haven't seen any more armadillos for a while, and all I was catching toward the end was rabbits.  I'm keeping a watch out for them though, and can always borrow it again if they show up.  Hopefully we'll start in on the yardwork soon, (if Marty and I can both get to feeling good at the same time) and that should help keep them away.

Wilma, don't know if it's feasable, but Marty always told me that Great Pyrenees dogs keep coyotes away (not sure if I spelled it right, but they're the white horse-sized dogs used to watch sheep).  I always thought I wanted a couple of them, but not when I'm living in town.


Joanna, sorry to hear that you and Marty have been hit with this nasty bug.  I do not wish it on anyone. For awhile, I sat outside on the deck and enjoyed the fresh air this afternoon.  It was beautiful, quiet and tranquil.  It was great to get some fresh air. Don got this crud about three weeks ago, he feels okay now, but that cough has hung on and on and on. My sympathies to anyone that gets this nasty stuff!!!!


It's another good morning for those of us who are not sick or recovering.  I intend to take my little rake and go out to the flower beds this morning.  Yesterday I found that I should have started 2 weeks ago.  Things have grown so fast, right up through the dead leaves.

And to those who don't feel up to it yet,  remember, this too shall pass.  Just don't pass it to me.


Lane had a cold last week, but he is doing better now. Billy and I both have terrible allergies and this time of the year seems to wreak havoc on us. Everyone burning everything just makes my nose all stopped up.
I hope everyone who is sick gets to feeling better!
I'm going outside after I post this to do some yardwork. We finally ordered a deck for the front of the house, so that is going to be Billy's project for this weekend. So I've got to move my flower beds that I made last spring. I decided I'm going to move them down to the end of the driveway and plant flowers at the entrance where our gates are. I was also given some free wood chips yesterday from the men trimming the trees for Caney Valley. Well I thought they would be little beautiful woodchips, you mulch. Turns out they're tree limbs and chopped up junk! So I've got a mess! I have to sort through the big pile and pick out the chips from the limbs, I do believe I've got my work cut out for me!!


I sure hope all you sick ones get better. My sister Nadene ended up with pnumonia, she is still recovering.


Hi everyone! I finally have a few minutes to say hello to our Elk County friends here. It's been a little crazy the last week or so, with midterms at school and playing "catch up" with laundry, housework, etc. that seems to be neglected now that we have a weekend getaway in Howard. Why is it all those invisible imps who make the house messy can't clean up after themselves?

Like everyone else, I'm loving this weather and hoping it holds out through next week during spring break. I'm planning to spend several days at Harmony, so if you all see me out puttering around, stop and say howdy! I'm planning to chisel off some old plaster from the brick walls in the basement, so I'll be raising some dust. So if you see a big nasty cloud on south Wabash street, it's just me! Hee Hee!

Sorry to hear about the nasty bug getting so many of you down. I've fought a sinus mess since last fall and still have a cough. Of course, I smoke, and that isn't helping matters much. I do hope those who've been ill are now on the mend.

Just curious....where do you ladies get your hair cut? Can you give a recommendation? I've got a coupon for a haircut from one of the beauticians in town (sorry, can't remember her name) and thought I might get my hair trimmed while I'm in town.

Also, I was wondering what the soil types are in Howard. Sandy? Mostly clay? I know I can get a sample tested, but it's just as easy to ask around since I don't think soil types would differ much in such a small area. Janet and Teresa, you're both in my "neck of the woods" ... any problems with growing trees, shrubs, gardens, etc.?

OK...back to studies....take care and enjoy these lovely days.

Janet Harrington

Mother and I get our hair cut at Elk County Cuts, 620-374-2227, Connie Saxton is the owner.  We really like Connie.

As for growing shrubs, trees, etc., I think you will be okay as long as you can keep them watered.  That is the trick around here. 

I can't tell you what kind of soil we have here.  Good old black dirt is all I can say.  It is not sandy like you have around Wichita.  For us to grow anything, we have to really till the space and this year we had sand on top, so we just had it tilled into the dirt.  Jim and I planted onion sets and a couple rows of radishes.  Indygal, that dirt that you will have to work with at the old church has been a lawn for so long that it will take some work to get it dug up and churned (tilled) to make it easier to grow something.  But like I said, water is the key for trees and shrubs around here.

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