How can you tell it's Spring?

Started by Janet Harrington, March 11, 2007, 09:28:31 AM

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Janet Harrington

How can you tell it's Spring?????

When very few are posting on the forum because they are

    #1.  Cleaning out the garage.
    #2.  Cleaning up the yard.
    #3.  Looking at the garden spot wondering when the tiller guy is going to
          show up and till.


My sister used to say she could tell it was spring when I would come inside with a pink face.


How, I'd love to be outside and enjoying it!!!!!  But no-o-o-o-o, not me, I had to go and get the croupe and pneumonia.  :( :(

Janet Harrington

Oh, Lois, I didn't know you were sick.  Hope you get better soon.


Just take care of yourself so you can enjoy being out when you can.

Ms Bear

Lois, hurry and get well so you can enjoy being outside too.

Been a very long week and was told I was getting grumpy and pale so after a month of not seeing daylight I spent the weekend weeding, mowing the rest of the weeds and planted some petunias for the dog to dig up.  Did get all the laundry done and dried on the line.

Enjoyed the time outside and this week things will be close to back to normal at work and home before dark everyday.  Sure helps the attitude.

Hope everyone has a great week this week.


Sorry to hear you are sick Lois, hope you are feeling much better now.



Hope you don't have the respiratory crud that is going around. Seems to be three different strands and you catch them all before it's done. Not a nice thing. Personally, I can't stand colds and stuff like that. I am such a baby with them, as Ruth will attest. Get to feeling better. This week is going to be so nice. It would be bad to miss it.



Thanks, to everyone who wrote "get well" wishes.  I've had this respiratory crud that's been around a time or two, and it decided to take up residence in my lungs. I've been poppin' those antibiotic pills, and have been feeling better, but I do have aways yet to go.  Maybe I can run some competetion with those coyotes that CrumCowgirlMoma was talkin about.  I've had lots of practicing with my "bark."


I too have the cough and headache.. Lord the headache..especially when I cough hard. I am on the upside now and other than coughing a few times a day, I am about over it.
I NEVER get sick.. and I mean never! I think it has been like 15 years since I even had a cold.. and I'll be darned if I didn't get the flu stuff a few months ago and now this cold.. Both things that came down the pike I got.

Drats... so much for bragging that I am too mean to sick.
Guess I am just turning sweet and nice...

Hope everyone who hasn't had it ..doesn't get it and those that Do have it get over it soon.
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