A sign of spring?

Started by Wilma, March 06, 2007, 10:17:26 AM

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Yes it is getting beautiful around here. It is a sad time for me. We will be leaving this nice weather and going north to Southerland Neb to work. We always miss the spring in Kansas. I wish that job started at a different time. Last year we were in a big blizzard up there. We leave the 15th so think of me up there pushing those elavator buttons. We will be back the first part of June if all goes well.


What are we going to do without you?  You will be keeping up with the Forum, won't you?

Janet Harrington

Spring is a time for renewal and, boy, considering my week, I need some renewal.


We have inernet sevice at the library one evening a week so will try to stay up on current events.


Then we can tantalize you with reports of how lovely the weather is here.



Sorry to hear you have had a bad week.  Remember: "This too shall pass."  Hang in there. The weekend is almost here.


Another beautiful day in Elk County, Kansas! I worked outside most of the day...pulling weeds...hanging laundry out...and playing with Lane. I worked up a sweat! The rain last night was also wonderful. I'm not sure how much we got, but I know it was enough to settle the dust on the roads.

Anyhow...Hope everyone has a great weekend!


It was a beautiful day.  Janet took me to get a hair cut and an ice cream cone, then we drove down to the cemetery.  I hadn't had a chance to pick up the Christmas wreath we put down there, what with all the snow and ice and cold weather.  The tulips we planted 2 years ago are up.  Maybe I will get to see them bloom this year.  Saw a forsythia blooming here in town today and wish I had one. Supposed to be nice tomorrow, then rain Sunday.  Isn't spring wonderful?


Fed cattle this morning, then drove to Eureka to get groceries...Billy wanted to see if he could catch some fish, so we went fishing...Caught 6 smaller bass. It's nice out today, but the wind is kind of chilly.

I've been watching the KU - KState game. I'm sad...I'm a big KState fan. Right now the score is 55-62 with KU winning, and there's 36 seconds left in the game...I'm praying for a miracle..haha


Sorry, the miracle didn't happen, but I know what you mean.  I prayed for a miracle towards the end of most of WSU's games and it didn't happen.  Who do you like for the Okla. State and Texas game?

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