A sign of spring?

Started by Wilma, March 06, 2007, 10:17:26 AM

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It is 10:15 and no one has posted anything since sometime yesterday.  Could this be a sign of spring and better getting outside weather?


I have to amend that.  As I was posting, CrumCowgirl was posting, too.  Great minds work alike, don't they.


It is beautiful outside. I wish I could plant some flowers. I am working on posting things in the Quotes category. But I think you are right, Wilma. People are taking advantage of the spring-like weather. :)


Haha! Very true! Sesame Street has been over for about 30 minutes and Lane is anxiously waiting at the front door with his boots on for me to take him outside. That kid would live outside if we'd let him!


I am just itching to get out and start pulling leaves out of the flower beds, but I think it is a bit early yet.  I do have crocus blooming and tulips coming up.  Noticed some jonquils, too, that need to be dug and thinned.


Our grass is FINALLY coming up in a few spots. I bought flowers to plant last year, and I'll probably do the same this year. The trees we planted didn't make it through the winter. Actually, they didn't make it through the dogs chewing on them either. So other than the patchey grass coming up, there is no sign of vegetation in our yard. It's just dirt. And when it's wet, it's mud. Yuck.

I think today is a good day for hanging clothes out on the line, so I did just that.

Gosh I love this weather...


And out there you have it all to yourself.  You don't have to share with across the street neighbors.


The first day of the year that I get to have both car windows down and crank up the radio! Love to irritate the students with my oldies station, sing along, play air drums on the steering wheel, etc. Of course there is also the gumballs all over my front yard....a less desirable sign of spring.


I could, however, do without the wind.


I, myself, can't wait to use my "leaf sucker" and start in on the post winter clean-up.  I attended the Garden Show in Wichita last weekend and it always whets my appetite--not to mention my hands start getting that itchy feeling to be dirt.  I purchased several cool bulbs---ginger, and some upright elephant ear bulbs that are HUGE!  They should grow taller than I am----well, that's no great height, but still........

I did, however, lose my gazebo in my back yard this winter when we got all that snow.  I am really saddened about that, but hopefully  my homeowner's insurance will help out a little. 

Right now, I just hope that spring break, which is in 2 weeks produces weather like we are having now--if not warmer.  Can't wait!!!!!!

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