Critical Thinking, The Final Words On The Covid Madness

Started by Wake-up!, August 31, 2021, 11:48:24 AM

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"A critical thinking person might wonder why such coercive measures are being used to inject an experimental gene therapy into our bodies for a relatively non-lethal virus with a 99.7% survival rate. Especially, when it is now beyond a doubt the jab doesn't keep you from contracting the virus, spreading the virus, or dying from the virus. At best, it is a therapy that may reduce the symptoms for some people. At worst, ADE (antibody-dependent enhancement) will begin to rear its ugly head in the Fall."

Now there is a concentrated mouthful to chew on. Read the rest of the analysis here;
The Constitution is not an instrument for the government to restrain the people; it is an instrument for the people to restrain the government.

The greatest mistake in American history was letting government educate our children.
- Harry Browne, 1996/2000 Libertarian Party Presidential candidate

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