SHANNON, William D. - b. 1851 - d. June 9, 1929

Started by genealogynut, March 02, 2007, 02:23:25 PM

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Howard Courant
June 13, 1929


W. D. Shannon, Succumbed to Heart Failure in the Presbyterian Church, at 11:00 A. M., June 9th.

Last Sunday, just as W. D. Shannon was starting for the stairway to ring the last bell for church services, he was stricken with heart trouble and passed away almost instantly.  He had just placed a pitcher of water on the pastor's reading desk and was returned to the rear of the church, and as he was passing where his wife was sitting in the pew, he was seen to hesitate and look down to her with a smile on his face, then sink to the floor. Those standing near, stepped to his side immediately, but it is believed that death was instantaneous.

His son-in-law, Dr. Walter Heisler, was present and when he gave a hasty examination, said he was undoubtedly gone.  Dr. Grimmell was quickly summoned and was there in a few minutes, but nothing could be done. The ambulance was called and the body was carried to the undertaking parlor.

Rev. Griggs dismissed the congregation and no morning service was held.

Mr. Shannon had been caretaker of the church many years, and was especially faithful and efficient.


Now THAT would be a shock.  I'm sure everyone present remembered the incident for a long time.

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