“Public Health” is the Health of the State . . .

Started by redcliffsw, April 14, 2021, 06:40:14 AM

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Once the "public health" bureaucracy declared a pandemic, millions of Americans instantly turned into mental infants, eager for the D.C. bureaucracy to become their real mommies and daddies and protect them from the big bad coronavirus wolf.  As Bourne explained:
"There is . . . in the feeling toward the state a large element of pure filial mysticism.  The sense of insecurity, the desire for protection, sends ones desire back to father and mother . . . .  It is not for nothing that one's state is still thought of as Father or Motherland.  The [pandemic] has shown that nowhere under the shock of danger have these primitive childlike attitudes failed to assert themselves . . ."

Or as yours truly has written on numerous occasions:  The purpose of government is for those who run it to plunder those who do not.
-Thomas DiLorenzo

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