It's A Real Killer . . . . Isn't It?

Started by Wake-up!, January 31, 2021, 01:09:03 PM

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Here's a minute and a half clip on twitter from Tony Robbins, the 'motivational' speaker;

I hope it is still up. If not, here is the gist of his statement. [And here are my usually cynical thoughts.]

A recent report from John Hopkins shows deaths in the US the last six years. From 2015 through 2020 the annual deaths in the US have been just over 2 million people, and the year to year variation is around 15,000 [which is 0.75%]. [Deaths did NOT increase in 2020.] In 2020 the number of deaths by heart attack and cancer dropped, and the deaths by Covid increased exactly proportionally. [Or were statistics modified to call deaths by Covid when they were not?]

He says the death rate of Covid is running 0.1 to 0.3 percent, depending on the report you read, and way below that if you are under fifty. That is the typical death rate for a seasonal flu. Pandemic death rates are typically three or four percent [at least ten-fold of what has occurred].

Tony concludes if we let people control our focus, we're going to live in fear and do nothing. And if you know about Tony, personal focus is a big necessity for each of us.
The Constitution is not an instrument for the government to restrain the people; it is an instrument for the people to restrain the government.

The greatest mistake in American history was letting government educate our children.
- Harry Browne, 1996/2000 Libertarian Party Presidential candidate

Diane Amberg

Hi there.The east is still here, though having a hard time with Covid 19. Al and I had our  first shots and expect our second on Feb. 12. We lost a good fire fighter/ EMT friend early, before much was known about Covid. His family got it too, but survived.
We just finished up with a nasty four day Nor'easter...glad it's gone! We've been hiding out at home, as is most everyone here, going out only when absolutely necessary. Zoom has allowed us to continue our meetings and visit with friends.
As far as politics goes,I'm sick of it all,even though Joe Biden is from here and I've known him casually for more than 50 years. My husband worked with him back when he was on County Council here. The attack on the Capitol literally made me sick. I'm still an Independent  and chose to vote according to list of things that are important to me. Truth and character are on top of my list. Stay safe please. Don't let the conspiracy theorists get to you. Moon beams do not kill Covid....HA!

Diane Amberg

Hi gang. I'm back once more.
Al and I got our second Moderna shot on Feb.12, with very slight side effects the next day. In early March we should have the best immunity we can have and will start going out to stores again, still with masks though.  The UD kids came back to campus recently and brought the virus with them.Newark's infection rate is lower than it was, but spiked when they came back to town. We had another Nor'easter come through yesterday, but compared to what Texas and the nearby states are having, it was nothing. I hope you all didn't get hit too hard. Stay safe please. I feel so sorry for the people who are dealing with it all.

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