The View From Very Rural Montana

Started by Wake-up!, January 02, 2021, 09:44:33 AM

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"The aim of power is always more power, and therefore, the powerful never cease in their efforts to fool the people into believing that monsters from afar, or mysterious monsters from within are to be feared by all. Fear breeds weakness, and due to this unnecessary state of mind, dependence on power becomes normalized. . . ."

"What has been witnessed this past year is unbelievable, and in any sane world, it should serve as the impetus for the people to stand up and fight against any and all forms of governance by the few that have been allowed to demand compliance to its nefarious mandates. Laying blame at the feet of government and those that command them is absurd, because it is "you the people" that have given up and refused to hold and defend your own liberty. Freedom cannot survive in any system that allows a ruling class to exist, whether by farcical representation or not. . . ."

"You-ain't-seen-nothing-yet may be difficult to fathom after what has happened in the last ten months, but without an immediate and forceful response by the people, much worse is on the horizon. Lockdowns will continue, but will be more demanding and more enforced. Business closings, job loss, and economic devastation will only continue with gusto. Draconian orders and mandates will still be with us and enhanced, but brutal police state tactics of enforcement will escalate dramatically. New gun control and gun confiscation policies will be implemented, and the restriction of individual movement will be severely tightened".

"There are 325 million people in this country, and only a few at the top that need to be opposed. The enforcers will quickly become impotent if their betters are not only threatened, but their power taken from them by the sheer numbers of those opposing their rule. Disobedience and non-compliance by the masses is key, and nothing of value can be gained unless the people at large refuse to take any orders from federal and state officials that restrict or disallow normal behavior in any way. This is the only solution that seems viable."

Here are the quotes in context;
The Constitution is not an instrument for the government to restrain the people; it is an instrument for the people to restrain the government.

The greatest mistake in American history was letting government educate our children.
- Harry Browne, 1996/2000 Libertarian Party Presidential candidate

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