Santa Must Wear A MAGA Cap

Started by Wake-up!, December 25, 2020, 08:29:48 AM

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He left this in my stocking during the night. I haven't verified it yet, but it is a breakdown of the second Covid bailout, the one El Trumpo has threatened to veto. Look at all them zeros!!

     $300,000,000   Migrant and Refugee Assistance                             
             $10,000   Per person Student Loan Bailout  (times how many students?)                                  
     $100,000,000   NASA                                         
$20,000,000,000  US Post Office  (Billions?? and they will still drag their heels to fix the Post Office in Longton)                                    
     $300,000,000  Endowment for the Arts                                
     $300,000,000  Endowment for the Humanities                             
       $15,000,000  Veterans Employment Training                               
     $435,000,000  Mental Health Support                                
$30,000,000,000   Dept of Education stabilization fund  (correct, that is thirty BILLION)
     $300,000,000   Public Broadcasting/NPR                                
     $500,000,000   Museums and Libraries                                
     $720,000,000   Social Security Admin                           
       $25,000,000   Capitol Bidg cleaning supplies (seriously?? see page 136 of the Bill)                    
         $7,500,000   Smithsonian salaries                                       
       $35,000,000   JFK Performing Arts Center                                  
       $25,000,000   House of Representatives salary                               
  $3,000,000,000   IT upgrade at the VA  (yes, billions for VA computers, in essence)
    $315,000,000   State Dept diplomatic programs                             
      $95,000,000   Agency of International Development                            
    $300,000,000   International Disaster Assistance                     
      $90,000,000   Peace Corps                                        
      $13,000,000   Howard University                                   
        $9,000,000   Miscellaneous Senate expenses                                 
     $100,000,000   Essential Airline Carriers                                
$40,000,000,000   Take Responsibility for Workers & Family Act   
  $1,000,000,000   Airlines Recycle & Save Program                           
       $25,000,000   FAA admin costs                                     
     $492,000,000   Amtrak                                         
     $526,000,000   Amtrak Grants                                      
$25,000,000,000   Transit Infrastructure                               
        $3,000,000   Maritime Administration                                    
        $5,000,000   Office of Inspector General salaries                         
        $2,500,000   Public and Indian Housing                                    
        $5,000,000   Community Planning and Development                      
        $2,500,000   Office of Housing

Did I miss anything? Oh, I forgot to list $600 for every American. Well, every QUALIFIED American. And yes, that is only two zeros.

Pretty nice seasonal gifts government is making to itself. Yes? No? I won't even get into how little of all that dough the Constitution authorizes Congress to spend. The big question of the moment is . . . .


Any idea where the money is going to come from? Our country is bankrupt. Our debt is huge. This will significantly add to that debt. The Treasury will be borrowing from the future, the Socialists Democrats' favorite ploy. Just print money, add a little interest, then kick the repayment can down the road to your children and grandchildren. In the meantime, HO HO HO, presents for the public.

The Constitution is not an instrument for the government to restrain the people; it is an instrument for the people to restrain the government.

The greatest mistake in American history was letting government educate our children.
- Harry Browne, 1996/2000 Libertarian Party Presidential candidate

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