Fatal Accident (Nigh--1927)

Started by genealogynut, March 07, 2007, 01:39:29 PM

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Howard Courant
February 10, 1927

David A. Nigh Has Leg Cut Off in His Saw Mill--Death Resulted in Two Days

Thursday, February 3, David Nigh, a well known Howard young man, while operating a circular saw in his portable saw mill a few miles west of Howard, in some unexplained way fell against the rapidly running saw and his right leg was cut completely off just below the knee.  He grasped the stump in his hands and called for help and some boys who were working with him managed to stop the flow of blood by tightly binding cords around his leg.  Drs. Harner and DePew were summoned and the sufferer was hurried by motor to Wichita, where a surgeon dressed the limb. It was believed he would get along alright, but complications set in and infection developed, and word was phoned to Howard Saturday night late that there was no hope for his recovery.  He passed away Sunday forenoon.

The body was brought to Howard Monday and funeral services were held Tuesday.

Note:  His obituary is posted on the obituary board.

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