Trump Stinks Up The Economy

Started by Wake-up!, July 14, 2020, 12:34:22 PM

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"The eruption of government red ink literally defies imagination. The deficit figure topped $863 billion during the month of June alone.
Indeed, the number is so massive that it's hard to put it in context. But consider this: When your editor joined the Reagan campaign in the summer of 1980, the public debt was also $863 billion and it had taken 192 years and 39 presidents to get there.
So during the last 30 days, the clown brigade which passes for a government in Washington has actually borrowed nearly two centuries worth of debt!

Indeed, the numbers for June are so bad as to give ugly an entirely new definition:
    June receipts of $242 billion were down by 28% or –$92 billion from last year;
    June outlays totaled $1.105 trillion, representing a +$713 billion or 182% increase from last year;
    Leading the charge was SBA outlays of $511 billion compared to $80 million last year – and, yes, that's the PPP boondoggle and it amounts to a 4,400% gain;
    Not far behind was unemployment benefits at $116 billion compared to $2 billion last year;
    There was also a $70 billion increase in the cost of student loans owing to CARES act repayment deferrals and an adjustment for massively higher student loan defaults in the future than had been previously assumed;
    And the red ink total for June, which is usually a low deficit month due to estimated tax payments, rose from $8 billion last year to the aforementioned $863 billion."

[Disastrous numbers the month of June are on the Trump Admnistration, no one else. Trump does not deserve re-election. He has not earned it. His campaign promise of some fiscal reponsibility went out the window a long time ago.]

Go Here if you want to read the full article, including more disasterous fiscal numbers;
The Constitution is not an instrument for the government to restrain the people; it is an instrument for the people to restrain the government.

The greatest mistake in American history was letting government educate our children.
- Harry Browne, 1996/2000 Libertarian Party Presidential candidate

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