Covid-19 Stats As Of July 13th

Started by Wake-up!, July 13, 2020, 07:04:01 PM

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World population is 7,800,000,000
Total worldwide Covid cases is 13,033,817
Currently active Covid worldwide cases is 4,885,035
Covid worldwide deaths to date is 571,250

Total worldwide Covid cases to date = 0.167% of the world population
Currently active Covidworldwide cases = 0.063% of the world population
Worldwide Covid deaths = 4.4% of total worldwide cases
Worldwide Covid deaths = 0.0073% of world population


US population is 331,071,090
Total US Covid cases is 3,477,996
Currently active US cases is 1,790,690
Covid US deaths to date is 138,234

Total US cases to date =  1.05% of the US population
Currently active US cases =  0.54% of the US population
US Covid deaths =  3.97% of the total US cases
US Covid deaths =  0.042% of the US population


Kansas population is 2,913,000
Total Kansas Covid cases is 19,643
Total Kansas Covid deaths to date is 297

Total Kansas Covid cases = 0.67% of the Kansas population
Currently active Covid cases = 0.28% of the Kansas population
Kansas Covid deaths = 1.51% of total Kansas cases
Kansas Covid deaths = 0.01% of the Kansas population

[Based on those numbers, can anyone make a case that this flu is an epidemic? Or a pandemic? Or anything other than an overstated seasonal virus? Why have industries and businesses been forced to close over numbers that are this small? Over these few deaths? 98.49% of patients infected with the flu recover. 98.49%! Why are we obeying mandates that contradict common sense? Why do we believe ourselves to be helpless without the aid of a Nanny State? Has the Nany State made us better off? Or worse off?]
The Constitution is not an instrument for the government to restrain the people; it is an instrument for the people to restrain the government.

The greatest mistake in American history was letting government educate our children.
- Harry Browne, 1996/2000 Libertarian Party Presidential candidate

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