Misc. from the Howard Courant (July 1928)

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Howard Courant
July 19, 1928

Note:  These little news bits regarding folks that lived around Howard just happened to be printed along with the genealogy data I wanted, so I thought I'd just "slap 'em" on here for the folks that may be interested.

Mrs. Wm. Marrs went over to Erie one day last week to visit her son Robert, who left home so unceremoniously the night of the 4th and caused his mother much anxiety till he was located at work with a threshing crew.  Robert's explanation was that he wanted to earn some money of his own, so he could go to college next year.  He professed great surprise that anyone should worry or lose a minute's sleep over his strange actions.  Robert should be spanked for his thoughtlessness, but his mother is so glad that he is all right and getting along so well that she wouldn't spank him--if she could.

Word has reached Howard that Mr. and Mrs. C. G. Shellhorn, (who lately were proprietors of the Variety Store in this city but on selling out returning to their former home at El Dorado), have separated, broken up their "happy home."  Mrs. S. returning to her parents and Claud going to Tulsa, Oklahoma.  Folks who knew them intimately while they lived here are not surprised to hear of their separation, for they were to say the least of it, a "temperamental" pair, and "strange" in other ways.

Mrs. Pearl Roth Drake of Hutchinson, Kansas, arrived Sunday night for a visit with her sister, Mrs. B.L. Hamar and family.  Mrs. Drake tells the reporter that she lives neighboring to Mrs. Dan Carr and her son Clate, who were Howard people many years ago.  Mrs. Carr is now 84 years of age, and wished to be remembered to all inquiring friends in Elk County.

A subscription renewal was this week received from Chas I. Grant, Lawrence, Kansas.   Charley is a native Howard boy and graduate of Howard high.  He is now proprietor of Grant's Kaw Valley Hatchery & Supply at Lawrence, 1218 Connecticut St.  (quoting a line on his letterhead "Where the Jayhawk's chick gets its kick").  Charley is one of the many Howard boys who are making good in business, in various parts of the world.

A. E. Nuttle, a prosperous and prominent man of Wichita, age 78 years, was married to Mrs. Jessie Harris Maxey, age 43, former Howard girl and daughter of Mr. and Mrs. N. G. Harris of this city, the 11th  _____-(unreadable) .  "Just because a man is 78 years old is no reason why he should lose his eye for youth and beauty," said the gay old Mr. Nuttle, when referring to his annexing a woman 35 years his junior.  Mr. Nuttle is said by the Wichita papers to be quite wealthy.  He has three grown and married children, while the bride has three daughters--one married and the others high school students.

W. H. Morgan gave us a cluster of potato berries---the little berries that sometimes grow and mature from the blossoms on Irish potato vines-- the other day, which were a curiosity.  The cluster had a dozen or more of the berries, some of which are almost an inch in diameter.  Ee have shown them to a number of people, and scarcely anyone could name them, and several who have raised potatoes for years say they never saw "berries" growing on potato vines.

Hon. D. L. Mullendore accompanied by Mrs. Mullendore, motored to Topeka yesterday, where as Elk county's legislative representative, he will attend the special session of the state's law-making body called by Gov. Paulen to meet today, to consider a change in the consitution in interest of saving to the state the federal aid in road-building.  It will be a short session.

Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Tyner of LIberty township, were callers at The Courant office Tuesday.  Mrs. Tyner has written news items for The Courant more or less regularly for a number of years, but this is the first time we have ever met her, or her husband. They came with the funeral party which brought the remains of young Cecil Baumgartel for burial in Grace Lawn Cemetery.

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